March 29, 2008

memori padang

kadang2 ade org tanya..."why don't u talk about urself more often in your blog?"

kalo yang paham me..they wouldn't ask this question...

tp utk kali goin to talk about me a lil bit..lets talk about how my first date goes..ah..i remember it well,like it happened yesterday..

first date ni masa skola rendah ok?i wouldn't call it a date pun..but i consider it to be one..

there's this one girl that i really like in my school..well..there's two..satu skola rendah..satu skola agama(playboy),tp lets focus kat skola rendah...masa kat skola rendah..i would sit wit her time rehat..sbb sama2 pengawas..and i would bring la aiskrim..air ke..kuih ke..seboleh2 aku akan try utk bertugas dgn dia..kadang2 dpt..kadang2 tak..mmg tak bleh lupa saat2 tu...

bila darjah 6 ade UPSR kan?kita org ade kelas mlm time tu..and bile kelas mlm tu..i would sit close to her..saje nk tgk dia...klaka gak bile pikir balik..

tp the most memorable day,must be the time when i was alone wit her,time nk sukan skola..and kita org ditugaskan jaga kawasan padang..saje check kalo2 ade yg tak ckup..kita org berdua..duk kat padang,tgk2 langit..main2 rumput..hahaha..ape kes la teringat memori nie..

tp itu je la yg paling rapat aku pernah berbual dgn dia..after tu..dh bz dgn UPSR..ntah nape..kita org grows further apart..mmg takde jodoh kot(wah!kecik2 dah pikir jodoh)

so basically itu la kisah cinta pertama..cinta monyet pun...

March 26, 2008

presents.. im goin to post my 1st day present(1st day..sebab tak tau la ape dpt utk ari kedua..ketiga..keempat..hahaha)

this parent yg bagi..heee

baju ni..ZIZI bagi..

mug kat atas ni plak..CIK SERI bagi

dlm gambar kat atas..actually ade 2 hadiah..coklat dgn pelekat magnet tu..yg coklat tu PUTERI JAJA bagi..yg pelekat tu..FID bagi..

ultraman ni di beri oleh CIK NINA

patung di atas ni di beri oleh BIHA AND KUZEK

hadiah from my frens...

March 25, 2008

my 21 years of life journey

my birthday is tomorrow..and i want to list down 20 things that i have learn so far..

  1. i have learn that life can be unfair sometimes
  2. do not give your trust so easy to anyone
  3. study should be my priority!
  4. jgn mudah jatuh cinta..
  5. kawan senang datang..senang pergi
  6. sometimes..its better to cry
  7. don't be too open with my heart
  8. parents can be cruel..sometimes lah..
  9. love can never be understand..
  10. i stop trying understand girls,instead i appreciate them
  11. give more than receive
  12. nakal boleh..jahat jangan
  13. people view us by the things we do
  14. families and friends..not money and glory
  15. laugh when you can,cause you never know when you can't
  16. its not easy living as a teenager
  17. i learn to layback a lot in life..don't be too serious
  18. be good to everyone..EVERYONE!
  19. express myself a bit more
  20. no harm trying something new..
basically, this is some of the important learning in life that ive underwent so far...and i do hope that i would live a lot longer to learn a lot more about life..


March 24, 2008

my eyes

March 22, 2008

6 random facts about me

ayol tagged kena buat benda alah nie..

  1. i love the earth
    i don't want to see it gets destroy..there's so much peace in here..nuff said
  2. i love to take pictures and videos
    i just want to keep the memories..i believe that when we old..this is the things that we look back..
  3. i would like to travel the world one day
    i want to see the world..from china to greek to africa to LA to mexico..wish i was a jumper..hehehe
  4. i believe in cinta pandang pertama
    cinta pandang pertama..i believe it can happen..and it happen to those yg layak..
  5. i want a none commitment relationship
    none commitment?mcm mane tu?mcm nie..i can flirt with anyone i like..and she can flirt with anyone she we remain loyal to each other..
  6. i love kids..babies,10 years old,4 years old,even 12 years old
    i said it..i love them..i wish to be a father some day..
    i think..i need to tag 6 people...
  1. affan
  2. niza
  3. kak farhanah
  4. aneesa
  5. aysha
  6. seri

March 19, 2008

March 18, 2008

my world my eyes

after this, i wont be writing much in the blog..

i want to let the pictures make the story..

March 13, 2008

what i see is what i see

ok..dah ade idea nk tulis ape dalam blog nie..

memandangkan kelas geologi ni skit jer orgnyer..dlm 50 classmate basically kenal sume org..

in this new post,im goin to list down few of my frens,and ape peranan dia org dlm kelas nie from my point of view..i know dia org akan baca nie..and well i dun care..this is my honest view..

  1. jaja - macam bunga..kalo takde dia,takde kaler dlm kelas..hehehe
  2. biha - dia ni mcm udara anip nafas, maksudnya..takde dia..takde org bleh anip buli..huhu
  3. fina - dia ni mcm teh o ais limau,kalo panas best minum..kalo sejuk tak best minum
  4. niza - she's like the music i always love,tak bosan2 dgr
  5. seri - mcm sun,we all like her..
  6. nina - dia ni mcm the other side of me yg nakal..hahaha
  7. aisar - nk senang, anip view dia mcm satu ego yg besar..hahaha
  8. dini - she's the one that make me smile suddenly..
  9. farid - mcm simon, judge american idol,the critics he made..pedas
  10. aysha - my own personal gossips magazine
  11. fid - a "slow, but enjoying her life" kind of person..
  12. zizi - mcm pokok,kuat and byk berjasa,tp org slalu lepas pandang pokok..
  13. kuzek - just another simple guy..or is he?jeng jeng jeng
  14. mukhlis - penerang jalan kebenaran (too dramatic plak)
  15. nurul - dia senyum, aku senyum..just kita org je paham..hahaha
  16. fatin - opposite of dini..physically i mean (just budak geo je paham)
  17. mirul,hata n jabir - 3 stooges!hahaha
ive just skit dari my this is them from my view..sorry kalo sgt jujur..hahaha


March 11, 2008

wont be updating

i wont be updating my blog in near time..sorry...

the reason?i need to find a new idea for the blog..itu jer..

March 9, 2008



  2. KEDAH
  5. PERAK




more info here..

March 6, 2008

gifts for guy.. baru..

today post is about guy lagi..and this time..nk tulis psl hadiah..ape hadiah yg seswai utk sorang lelaki bile tiba harijadinye..since im a guy..

and ade gak la tanya some guys(yg tak bleh harap pun!) kita buat list ok?

  1. shirt (kalo kita betul2 kenal the guy's figure..and the guy's faveret colour and style)
  2. watch (good for any type of male frens..kwn ke..)
  3. wallet (ikut umur the guy..kalo in his 20's belikan la leather wallet)
  4. cars ornaments (seswai kalo org laki tu ade kereta sendiri..and kereta dia nampak bosan)
  5. shoes (bkn girls je yg gile shoes ok?make sure ikut size dia!)
  6. belt (hmm...ini better beli ikut seluar yg dia byk ade,kalo jeans belikan belt jeans)
  7. computers stuffs (mouse pad laptop ke..USB camera ke..anything utk computer geek)
  8. video games (guys yg asyik melekat main game jer..try buying them new games on the rack)
  9. perfume (bleh utk kwn or make sure bau dia manly..bukan girly)
  10. books (this kind of gift utk sape2 yg suka membaca and kena tau taste buku dia)
  11. collectible items (mcm comics or figurines anime ker,music stuffs or anything yg seangkatan dgn nya..ikut minat dia..)
  12. music items (guitar,dram,CD,MP3..anything would do utk yg bakal artis tu)
  13. tickets (ape2 ticket yg dia minat..gigs pape2..sports yg dia minat..u get the idea)
  14. cars and motorcycles (ini utk yg melampau kaya)
  15. sports stuffs (utk yg suka bersukan tu..)
  16. homemade cook (hahahaha..utk bf jer..ok?laki suka benda2 mcm nie..percayalah)
  17. dinner and movie (kadang2 laki pun kena dimanjakan..)
  18. vacations (ini mmg best!!pilih la tempat yg dia bleh buat aktiviti lasak)
  19. tie (seswai kalo dia dress smart or dah keja)
  20. begs (bleh gak mcm seswai utk yg tak keja lagi..yg still student..)
ok..letak 20 je ade byk lagi..kita kena la kreatif sikit..later...

March 4, 2008

how do u know?

ive been neglecting my blog for a while now...been busy with a lot of stuffs...NO..not GIRLS..other you think i dont have any life?hahahaha goin to wrote about something..that might be useful to girls..i think..

since im a guy..i wanna talk about how do u know a guy like you or bukan minat sampai org tau..tapi minat secara rahsia..mcm kekasih gelap dia la..hahaha

ok..mula2 skali..jgn la percaya sgt benda nie..i wrote this base on my and other experience ok?

  1. the guy seems to be more interested in the girl then any other girls that he met, everything from the clothes she wear,the perfume she wear,the way she look,the things she said,the things she do...EVERYTHING...
  2. he would defend the girl when she is under fire(dlm erti kata lain..dikutuk)
  3. he would buy the girl stuffs that she love..anything from key chain to cars(kalo mampu)
  4. he would always keep in touch of watever changes the girl done to herself..rambut ke..make up ke..
  5. dia takkan kata dia suka the girl kat org ramai..but instead only a handful of people know it
  6. he always relate any song he hears to her..sedih ke..gembira ke..
  7. he always worried about her for no apparent reason..gile ke ape?
  8. kadang2 dia act bile korang berdua je..selembut sutera tu...
  9. he would ask questions about silly things from her..mcm..kenapa langit biru?..kenapa kereta kena ade 4 tayar?..antara ayam dgn itik,mane lagi sedap?..all the what, why, when , who , how..
  10. he look smarter bile ade kelas sama dgn the girl..or bile ade group hangout bersama..
  11. he seems happier bile the girl around..
  12. he would sacrifice the time and money for this kat other girls tak sgt..
  13. the way he talk about u..seems..sincere..hmmmm
  14. kadang2 the guy jeling the girl..saja nk ambik a glimpse of her face...
  15. he would never make her cry..or sad..
  16. he gets jealous of her..whenever she is with some other guys(biasa la)
  17. he would always compliment her..on everything that she do..everything..biarpun benda tu salah..

so..this is the list...well i do think the list are much ini la yg termampu..

ingat..jgn ikut sgt..

March 1, 2008


i just saw juno today!!!!

i would definitely give it a 4/5 stars...

this is one good movie!no wonder it was nominated in OSCAR...

its a story about an unplanned pregancy of a 16 years old girl that first decided to go for abortion but change her mind and goes to put the baby for adoption instead..this is when all the drama and emotions unfold..

go and see it you all..its definitely worth 2 hours of ur life..

and i post a song and the lyric heard on the movie..enjoy


You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't, you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

I will find my nitch in your car
With my mp3 DVD rumple-packed guitar
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu du

Up up down down left right left right B A start
Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Don Quixote was a steel driving man
My name is Adam I'm your biggest fan
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Squinched up your face and did a dance
You shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu du
But you