May 31, 2009

the reason for fidz... seperti yang diketahui umum..hari ini saya dan fidzilah bersama mukhlis telah mengadakan satu lagi fieldwork fidz<--skema

unlike the previous fieldwork, this time we have a plan..or fidz had a plan but it totally change when we can't find what we are looking for..

kali ni fidz takde panjat-panjat lagi..tapi kali ni teruk gak la fidz kena buli dengan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan..MUKHLIS je yang buli fidz..aku tak buat pape pun..aku just tolong lihat mukhlis buli fidz..(ok fine..aku bohong..aku pun buli fidz juga..sheesh)

and this time fidz did most of her work..its not like she didnt do her work the last time, but she did little compare to what mukhlis did the first fieldwork..kan fidz?hehe

the fieldwork start as usual..late..but it ended up early since all the important area has been covered..the fieldwork ended really well actually..though you've got to be there to see mukhlis bullying fidz..there are time i felt sorry for her..but most of the time..suka rasanya fidz kena buli..hahahaha

oh and kita orang dah tau sebabnya KENAPA FIDZ KADANG-KADANG AGAK LAMPI DAN BLUR..after 3 years kawan dengan fidz..akhirnya aku dengan mukhlis dah faham kenapa akhirnya..perkara ni disedari tika dalam perjalanan pulang ke KL..

sebabnya-->kita semua pernah suspect ada masalah dengan otak fidz kan?bukan serius pun..tapi kadang-kadang dia tiba-tiba blur dan lampi...aku rasa ade masalah kurang oksigen dekat otak dia..aku tak tau la kenapa..mula-mula fikir..maybe masa baby dia terjatuh ke..hehehe..tapi rupa-rupanya bukan..sebenarnya..fidz ni suka tidur dengan bantal atas muka..dari kecik jugak la..that is why oksigen kurang masuk otak..eventually affect the brain..wah cakap macam doktor bagai..tapi..what possible explanation can there be?hehehe

so fidz..rahsia ko dah terbongkar..after 3 years berkawan..akhirnya..aku faham kenapa ko macam tu..i can now die peacefully..hahahahaha are some photos and videos..takde video best kali ni..sebab fidz buat kerja..hehehe

hah..korang ingat lagi tak tempat ni masa 2nd year fieldwork..pebble orientation..taman setia jaya?seri jaya?ntah tak ingat..tapi ni part budak laki punye..yang menjerit...
"oooooiiii...belum abis lagi laaaaa~!!!"

pebble orientation tu..tapi part budak-budak perempuan..

cool looking tree kan?

fidz actually doin her job...hebat kan?ketuk ketuk!

kawasan pebble orientation..bring back memories kan?hehe

mula-mula kerja..tiba-tiba posing plak..hahaha..

May 30, 2009

before esok

sedikit update..saje tiba-tiba terasa nak tulis gak..esok aku pegi lagi field fidz..malas la plak rasa nak ambik dia..tapi sebab ari ahad lrt putra ada upgrade sampai 10 kalo tak ambik kang susah plak anak orang..

oh ye..terasa nak belajar foreign language time cuti ni..nk belajar perancis la..sape leh ajar eh?ili u tolong ajar..hehehe..ape lagi bahasa yang bunyi agak-agak seksi?italy?spain?

so other than weeks is same all same all..but ive got to watched several movies..yang tak kua lagi kat cinema..yes..i know..its kinda illegal...but all took it from me..and don't tell me you guys tak beli kat pasar malam sana..yes im talking about you fina..hahahaha..pandai nak cakap buruk pasal aku..sama je la its free..and ive got to see it waaaay earlier than you SHUT UP! least aku tak beli cd local yang cetak rompak..aku kayakan anak bangsa sendiri takpe..

itu je la..tak tau lagi nak membebel ape..esok aku update pasal fieldwork ke-2 fidz..

iklan Air Asia di arah oleh Yasmin Ahmad

suddenly..i have this urge of taking Air Asia..hehehehe..

May 28, 2009

Jaya Supermarket accident

this is a shocker...kalau kawan-kawan aku yang duduk UM tengah baca ni..aku tak tau la kalo korang dah dengar atau tak..tapi korang mesti ingat lagi dengan Jaya Supermarket?yang duk sebelah Digital Mall kat section 14 tu?

petang tadi..part of the building fell down bile kerja-kerja merobohkan bangunan tu bermula..9 still trap and 1 dead..since area tu sangat busy, aku cadangkan jangan la pergi sana for few days until all clear up..

more info on here..The Star Online-Jaya Supermarket accident

May 27, 2009 a woman buying new shoes

"a man buying a new iphone cover, is like...a woman buying new shoes"

hahahaha..kenapa aku cakap macam tu?sebab tadi aku pergi beli cover baru untuk iphone aku..dan aku terfikir la..aku tak perlukan pun cover iphone..tapi aku nak kena ada..kira macam ayat kat atas tu..

a woman buy new shoes, walaupun kasut yang tengah di pakai masih elok..tabah..cantik..lawa..bleh tahan lagi 2, 3 bulan la..tapi they need new one because..well just because..hehehe...and this go to those yang tuka-tuka kasut lepas 2, 3 bukan semua la wanita seperti ini ok?

bukan nak jadi gender bias or anything..jangan salah faham..aku pun macam those women..aku pun akan tukar-tukar cover iphone aku nie..not because i need to..just because i want reason what-so-ever..

okla..tu jer..

cover iphone yang baru

May 26, 2009

opposites attract

so arini..aku banyak berfikir(ari-ari pun banyak fikir)..aku kadang-kadang pelik tengok ayah dengan ibu aku..bukan ape..dia orang ni berbeza sangat..sebelum tu..biar aku cerita pasal ayah dengan ibu aku ni..aku rasa aku pernah cerita kat beberapa orang..tapi aku nak tulis je kat sini..

masa ayah aku mula-mula kenal ibu aku..dia ade girlfriend..which aku tak kisah la..tapi lepas pikir punya pikir..apa jadi kalau ayah aku tak end up dengan ibu aku?takde la aku kan? yang aku pelik..macam mane plak ibu aku leh suka dengan ayah aku?dah la time tu ayah aku ade ibu aku memang suka rampas boyfriend orang?hahahaha..ya Allah..derhaka betul anakmu ini ibu..hehehehe..

masa ibu dengan ayah aku dating(geli plak dengar)..ibu aku tak tau yang ayah aku ni orang kelantan..hahahaha..lepas dah lama keluar tu kantoi la plak bile ayah aku jumpa kawan-kawan dari kelantan..kecek kelate mu!!hahaha..tergamam ibu aku time tu..haish..nasib baik la ibu aku ni terima seadanya..hehehehe

tiap-tiap malam asyik gado jer..tapi bukan gado baling-baling pinggan..tapi gado yang benda pelik-pelik..pasal politik la..pasal sukan la..ibu aku ni jenis yang tak suka tengok sport channel..tapi sayang punya pasal dia layan la dengan ayah aku..tapi bila tak faham, tanya soalan pelik-pelik..ayah aku ni pun malas layan..hahaha..jawab pun ibu aku still tak faham..haish..sian ibu aku..hehe

it strucks me then that opposites attract..hahaha..kira macam magnet la..positive attract kalo in a relationship takde ups and downs..gurau-gurau manja macam ni la nak keep it goin strong forever..WAH!

itu jer la...saje membebel sini..take care..later..toodles~

Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day

here's a great song from Nickelback title If Today Was Your Last Day..its not a new song, but it is a very powerful song, with great music video..enjoy it..and at the end of the music video, think about your day..

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?
What if, what if, if today was your last day?

Against the grain should be a way of life
What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?

And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?

If today was your last day
Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are

So do whatever it takes
'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life
Let nothing stand in your way
'Cause the hands of time are never on your side

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?

And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of
Swear up and down to God above
That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?

May 24, 2009

aku kenali jodoh, syurga, cinta dan donut?

harini SANGAT SANGAT best!! aku A.K.A photographer of the day affan A.K.A bitch for today and fina A.K.A model of the day bertemu di Times Square for the long awaited date with Krispy Kreme..YEAH!!

the day start macam biasa la..aku sampai EXACTLY on time..dia orang dua plak awal sangat..tak faham plak kenapa..selalu dua-dua pun lambat..hahahaha..sampai-sampai je kita orang terfikir nak buat ape la we decide nak tengok movie, i want to see Angel and Demon, tapi affan and fina kata takut tak best, so nak tengok Star Trek..tapi aku dah tengok Star Trek..TWICE! so kita orang decide satu filem yang memang aku tak sangka plak akan tengok..SYURGA CINTA..yes..tak sangka kan?!


aku bagi movie ni a 4/5 stars!! yes..kenapa?well..let starts with a lil sypnopsis..Syurga Cinta menceritakan tentang seorang lelaki ni namanya Irham..dia ni kalau pasal agama Islam ni memang FAIL..bukan fail dah..aku rasa dah tahap macam lantai pun ada..lepas tu ade seorang wanita ni namanya Syuhadah yang sangat la lemah lembut, alim, sopan santun..memang ikut ajaran Islam sehabis baik...bila Irham ni berkawan dengan Syuhadah ni..macam-macam berlaku..sikit demi sikit Irham jatuh cinta dengan Syuhadah..tapi betul ke semuanya all well and ends well?hehehe..kena la tengok cerita nie..

review filem nie?aku suka..walaupun agak stereotype..tapi cerita ni tak kering gusi bile lawak dia tu..and pengajaran yang ingin diterapkan pun sampai gak...walaupun ada lawak dalam pengajaran..tapi tu salah satu dari cara orang tak lupa..dengan letak unsur-unsur komedi skit..pelakon dia semua sangat bagus, terutama adik angkat Irham ni..kena la tengok kalo tak percaya..Heliza dengan lakonan lemah lembut tu sangat menjadi la..Awal tu time nangis tu tak tahan..insaf sikit pun ada gak..hehe

yang bestnye..filem ni..buat aku sentiasa teringat-teringat..and walaupun dah abis movie tu..kita orang still bercerita tentang movie tu..that just show how the story line memang bagus..or maybe lawak-lawaknye yang tak bleh blah..tapi movie ni memang bagus, im surprise actually..i have my doubt mula-mula..

in the end, movie ni sesuai la untuk semua lapisan, SANGAT SESUAI untuk couple-couple yang tak sedar-sedar lagi..or couple-couple yang dah menyimpang jauh..hehehe..pengajaran yang nak diterapkan pun memang dapat masuk akal fikiran dan hati pegi la tengok kalo korang ada masa ye?

review filem ni leh gak di baca dia blog Fina and Affan nanti..

ape lagi kita orang buat selain tu?kita orang cam whoring dengan BANYAK skali...sebab aku dah janji nak belanja makan donut after aku beli Krispy Kreme, kita orang teruskan kerja menangkap gambar dengan banyaknyer...

oh..biar aku cite skit pasal Krispy Kreme nie..SANGAT MANIS..mengalahkan J.Co pun ade gak..aku rasa dia sedikit overrated la..sebab tak la best sangat..i have actually taste better donut from some other place, tapi the original Glossy memang SANGAT LAZAT..kena rasa..

here are some pictures hari ini..dengan aku yang menjadi photographer hebat, affan..being bitchy as always..dah fina menjadi model untuk hari ini..more pictures akan di upload di blog and facebook affan and fina ok?

nampak kurus..TERIMA KASIH TUMMY TRIM! namanya angle menangkap gambar oleh cik Fina kita..

overrated much?

bibir mu memang seksi fina..MEMANG!

LIKE this one

aku dah macam adlin aman ramli la plak..hahahaha

LOVE this one~!

so i leave here with a memorable quote from Syurga Cinta..

"jodoh itu terbahagi kepada 3, jodoh kerana syaitan, jodoh kerana jin dan jodoh kerana Allah"

apa maksudnya?kena tengok Syurga Cinta..hehehe..toodles~!

May 23, 2009

Blogger Boy on 8TV this Thursday

i have here a promo for BLOGGER BOY from 8TV that's goin out this thurday's the sypnopsis of what this drama is all about..

"Blogger Boy" follows the ups and downs of Mr. Average Budi, a tuition teacher to a bunch of energetic and mischievous fifth formers, he has a secret identity on the Internet by way of his confessional comics blog.

Budi's life starts spiralling into chaos by a double whammy the sudden loss of his girlfriend Zehan to another man, and the reappearance of unresolved teenhood crush Nina. Things are further complicated by his flatmate / bestfriend Kid, who gives Budi manly advice while at the same time putting the moves on the beautiful Nina.

With each bewildering twist and turn of fate, Budi finds that his only truly reliable friend is his blog… and his readers. As he continues chronicling his adventures, he finds that his comics have become very popular and he finds it harder and harder to preserve his anonymity and the secrets in his heart…

here's the official link to the website

Blogger Boy Official Website

here's a video promo..

May 22, 2009

introducing miss nina's blog

aku tak tau la tulis apa lagi dalam blog ni..sampai la aku teringat aku blum kenalkan lagi member baru dalam blogging ni..memperkenalkan miss nina A.K.A mrs benjo...hahahaha

dia ni kawan aku dari geologi juga, baru gatal-gatal tulis blog..sebab dia dapat tau ramai member-member dia tulis dia aku bagi kat bawah ni..

dia suka tulis benda-benda best..mostly pasal korean singers and erm...tu je la..hahaha..tak tak..dia suka gak tulis pasal rutin-rutin harian dia..

so everybody say hi to miss nina kita yang baru menjinak-jinak k?semoga dia terus menulis perkara-perkara yang best!!

May 21, 2009

Kris Allen is the new American Idol

so Kris Allen is the new American Idol..i watched it live on tv..congratulations to Kris Allen, well deserve..though some might piss off that Adam didn't won..i already found some blogs and websites that saying that Adam deserve to win..but whatever, its deal with it..

both of them singing a new song No Boundaries which is co-written with Idol judge Kara DioGuardi, pretty weird for 2 finalist singing the same song, but with different style...however for me personally.. i like Adam's version better..just because he has this high voice..hehe

both the song can be downloaded in itunes, and for those that haven't heard the song, listen to it here..

Kris Allen singing No Boundaries (Studio)

Adam Lambert singing No Boundaries (Studio)

here's the lyric

“No Boundaries” Lyrics

Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment last forever if you feel you’ve lost your way
What if your chances are already gone
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason to fight and never walk away

Coz hear I am — still holding on!

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe

You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

I fought through the land mines to stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where the future heading
But nothing is gonna bring me down
Jump every bridge run every light
I'm miss being safe I always knew I
I always knew I

Coz hear I am — still holding on!

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe

You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries

You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
B-reak every rule coz there’s nothing between you
and your dreams
Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe

You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries

May 20, 2009

Zee Avi - Kantoi

hehehe..this is a good song for everyone out there..its from Zee Avi title Kantoi..listen to the lyric..really funny!

Chit Chat of Beautiful Ladies was watching astro a while ago..and as i browse through all the channels in astro, i came upon KBS World, channel 303..yes..for those thats CRAZY with korean stuffs, you would surely know this..i know my mom is..hehehehe

anyway..they were airing this show, Chit Chat of Beautiful Ladies..its a chat show of beautiful ladies, staying in Korea but they are foreigners..they talk about all the thing in Korea and about their hometown as well..they have been different ladies for the past 2 years, some of them came from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Vietnam and even Malaysia..

so basically its a talk show with A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL LADIES...sounds like my kind of show..and it was really funny too..go to youtube if you haven't heard or watch it..

a few years ago, Malaysian girl name Sophia Ridza was in the show, she went to Korea to study in Korea University, and stayed on the show for 2 years, before coming back to Malaysia after finishing her studies in march, now she's currently(i think) working with LG(another Korean company)...and tonight i got to see her in tv, she's really the title of the show, its not surprise rite?'s a photo of her, and there's a link im going to post of her interview with K-popped!a korean culture for those that havent had anything to do during this holiday, try watching KBS World sometimes..

here's Sophia..cute huh?

here's the link to Sophia Ridza interview..

Sophia Ridza Interview

here's the link to Chit Chat of Beautiful Ladies in KBS World

here's a link to a group that compile almost all the ladies that have been in the show

Chit Chat of Beautiful Ladies Group

here's a video of her in the show, however..there is no english sub to if you are very good in korean, than translate this..this is a video of her last day in the got to see her cry..WHY?! oh WHY?!

here's a video where this guy tell her how he felt towards in the show, asking her to be her girlfriend...well thats pretty straight direct to her front of thousands of people watching the show..however, that relationship was not meant to be..

alright them..there you go..later

May 19, 2009

Once OST - Falling Slowly

here's a good song to everyone out there..well maybe not farid, since he doesnt like this kind of thing..but anyway..give it a listen..

its an old song from an old irish movie called Once, go google it..the song won best song in the Oscar on 2007

here's the lyric..orait that's it..take care

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You'll make it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along

May 18, 2009

fieldwork fidz = PENAT

hari ni aku pegi fieldwork fid..aku, niza, mukhlis dengan fid bertolak dari gombak pukul 8 pagi lebih..lalu highway karak dulu, pastu baru lalu lebuhraya pantai timur..exit kat lanchang..

semua berjalan lancar, sampai la lanchang..aku tanya la fid

"wei mane area nak buat sampling ko?mane yang ada anomaly?"

fid dengan muka tak kisah..

"mana aku tau..aku tak turun pun dengan dr.sam aritu..kita orang pegi berjalan-jalan jer..makan-makan..kan niza kan?"

aku dengan mukhlis dah sakit hati time tu..ade ke patut 1st fieldwork berjalan-jalan?haish..dr.sam ni pun satu la..nyusahkan anak buah dan kawan-kawannyer...

last-last aku dengan mukhlis yang cari kawasan anomaly dengan outcrop yang agak meyakinkan..nasib baik ade mukhlis..dia pandai pilih outcrop..aku plak pilih kawasan anomaly..patut minta fid belanja makan dinner skali la..hahahaha

pas abis cari anomaly..kita orang set out untuk cari outcrop yang best la..hah! ni pun bengang gak ni..dah la tak tau nk berhenti mane..nampak je outcrop..

"hah tu lawa tu outcrop tu..jom la pusing sana berhenti.."

oh korang ingat sebab aku driver bleh la tarik aku sana sini?!ko ingat kaki aku tak cramp ke?hah?!aku rasa every 1 or 2 km je berhenti nk tgk outcrop..aku dah nak bengong dah bawak kereta tu..

pastu dah nk sampai masa lunch...tapi fid kata pegi outcrop dulu..nanti dah kenyang dah malas..owh pandai ek ko..dah la tak tau nak kemana lepas tu..ikut tesis orang tapi tak pernah nak amik tau kat area mane dia punya outcrop..MENYAKITKAN HATI..nasib baik ade kuari kat sana fid..kalo tak buang masa je..

masa lunch kita orang pegi bandar temerloh..bandar kan?kalo tak silap la..sampai sana ingat nak makan KFC, tapi KFC macam jauh je dari parking, so pegi la Old Town yg ade kat depan mata jer..ok..yang klakarnye si mukhlis nie..masa masuk kedai tu mukhlis jumpa la kawan-kawan dia..aku ingatkan kawan skola ke..kawan matriks ke..TAPI TAK...rupa-rupanye..mukhlis pun tak kenal!!!hahahahaha..kita orang pun gelak la..

mukhlis cakap yang dia tu budak junior geologi..masa kita orang nak masuk kedai, dia macam nak tegur dia, sepatutnya la..secara logik, kita biar dia yang tegur kita kan?tapi tak..tak pasal-pasal si mukhlis ni pegi kat dia tanya..

"korang buat ape kat sini?"

gile tak gile si mukhlis nie..hahahaha...nasib baik la ko macam konfiden cakap dengan mamat tu..masa balik..aku tengok gak mamat tu..aku rasa dia bukan budak geologi pun..aku rasa dia budak 3rd kolej..tapi aku tak layan sangat..malu aku..

masa makan tu pun mukhlis buat perkara-perkara COMEL...kalo tak percaya tanya fid..SANGAT COMEL...sebab dia 1st time makan Old Town, so macam teruja dengan benda-benda baru..tu yang macam COMEL tu...aduh banyaknye COMEL..

after lunch(lunch pukul 3!!) kita orang decide nak balik la..lewat sangat dah..tapi ade lagi 2, 3 outcrop terasa nak pegi..tapi sebab dah malas sangat..buat keja macam nak taknak jer..pastu balik la..niza dgn fid dah tido all the way sampai ke KL..sedap la korang ek?aku dgn mukhlis berjaga jer..nasib baik dkat..

tapi..hari ni sangat erm..memberansangkan? hehehe..antara gambar dan video fieldwork fid di bawah...


pose hero remaja

ni sebelum panjat atas outcrop nie..sangat BANGGA dengan fid

sorry la fid, tapi ni je gambar untuk membuktikan yang ko betul-betul panjat kat atas tu walaupun pose sebegitu..hahahaha..HEBAT!

berlakon lagi~

antara outcrop yang best..kat sini banyak umah besar-besar..kereta sport mahal-mahal..tapi tengok area macam kawasan kampung jer..hehe

macam apek yang uruskan construction jer...ahahahahaha!!

outcrop terakhir..saje letak..sebab macam best

hebat tak fid panjat?

mukhlis : kau buat benda yang bersih sikit

May 17, 2009

Juara AF 7

so korang tengok tak AF final malam semalam?some do..some don't..

kepada yang tak tau..or taknak ambik tau..Hafiz juara AF 7 kali nie..YEA!! hehehe..aku bukan sokong students AF ni pun..cuma aku suka tengok realiti show..

rupa-rupanya ramai gak yang taknak aril menang kan?benci sangat ke tengok aril tu?memang dia ego, poyo, menyampah, mengada..tapi i think that's his better trait..i think every entertainer kena ada benda tu..with a lot of humility of course..kita pun manusia sama jer..hehe

apa-apa pun..aku nak komen malam tadi..aku nak komen lagu-lagu baru dari pelajar je..aku rasa kecuali Yazid la..lagu-lagu pelajar lain semua macam BOSAN jer..memang tak patut masuk radio la..sebab orang takkan ingat pun..especially lagu si aril tu..ntah hape-hape..tak faham lansung lagu tu..tapi tak leh salahkan dia gak..yang pilih lagu bukan dia pun..most of the blame go to the people yang memilih lagu-lagu tu..

Yazid punye lagu baru sedap berbanding lagu-lagu student lain..sebab its catchy..its young..its easy listening..

overall the nite was ok..tapi mostly diselamatkan by other performers macam Stacy..stacy malam tu sangat gempak..kalo ada video kat youtube, korang pegi tengok..

okla..itu aja.. peace

May 16, 2009

can you feel the tingling sensation?

alrighty was the day when i went to the BACKYARD MONSTER AND DINOSAUR EXHIBITION in midvalley..

went there with my twin sisters..saje nak ajak dia orang keluar..dari duk rumah je kan?

the exhibition was fun..although the dinosaur part not so much..the dinosaur was small..the t-rex especially was really small..really cute in some weird way..hehehe..

but the real deal is the backyard monster..or what we all normally know as the world of insects..this is the best part of the exhibition..they got this GIGANTIC TARANTULA and GIGANTIC BLACK WIDOW SPIDER..really really super cool..for those that are not afraid of 8 legged mosters..this is a place to go!

here are the photos for today..

here are some of the insects there...can you see the GIGANTIC BEETLE?and the GIGANTIC SCORPION?very cool..

there you go..GIGANTIC TARANTULA..muahahahaha..this is the main attraction..way cool..

here's the black as if..she's looking at you..hehe

the praying mantis..this is one cool insects too..

here is a sad looking almost kinda pathetic effort of a looks plastic and not realistic..and its really really small..slightly higher than me..PATHETIC

popular dinosaur in the exhibition..way cooler than the t-rex

there also have this really BIG shoes..which i have no idea why they put it there..

many-many types of insects in the exhibition..

well..there you go..later


this to date..has to be the best thing Japan has done~! hahahaha

you know how much an anime freak i no..actually im more like a fan..hehe

Bandai, the company that makes toys everywhere in the world..famous known for Gundam toys, have decided to build a 1:1 scale of Gundam..18 meters tall robot in the centre of a garden in Japan..

artist sketch of the Gundam when it finish

ok..for those of you that never heard of Gundam..go google it..

the construction is underway, though to date..only the Gundam's right feet has been completed..there are much more to do..i can't wait for this ..

oh and the model is RX-78-2..not that you would care..hehehehe

May 15, 2009

watching tv not in tv

ok memandangkan aku ada banyak masa lapang(BANYAK LA SANGAT) and since heroes pun dah abis this season, so aku decide nak cari la tv series yang lain..untuk menghabiskan masa...

antara tv series yang terlibat..hehe..adalah..Supernatural Season 3 and 4 dan Smallville Season 6, 7 dan 8..

takde la banyak sangat..dalam 1 minggu aku dapat la episod-episod semua tu..

ingat nak ambik series LOST skali..tapi aku macam dah lost dgn series tv aku malas la nk pickup balik..pening jer..

selain tu ape lagi aku akan buat dalam waktu bercuti ni?ntah la...takde plan lagi..tapi..plan mesti selalu tak baik takyah plan..kita..go with the flow

oh ye..probably esok pegi mid valley dengan adik-adik..pegi backyard monster kat mid valley exhibition..sape-sape mau join?meh la..

Gin Wigmore - Under My Skin

Gin Wigmore, a New Zealand born singer/'s a song from her..I accidentally found her when I was browsing YouTube for New Zealand Airline's Commercial here..

you can watch the commercial there, it's really DIFFERENT..hehe...anyway.....

here is her official site.. you can go there to learn more..

enjoy the song..the song make you want to dance..or at least tap your feet...

Gin Wigmore - Under My Skin

Sunday dreamers end up last
Fixing holes in sunken past
Please don’t blame me for my lies
Just to keep him by my side
I don’t mind if papa cares or
Even if my mama stares
Step right in let
This be true
I beg you get to think the way I do I got

I got you under my skin
I got you over my grin
I got you under my skin
I got you
I got you under my kiss
I got you over my lips
I got you under my skin

Picture this through cherry bloom
Such a crime becoming two whe
Firecrackers shoot my mind
Into such a spin I cry from
All these secrets
We have shaded
You helped make them
Now I play it
Over and over and over and over
A rhyme so cruel
I beg you get to think the way I do

I got you under my skin
I got you over my grin
I got you under my skin
I got you
I got you under my kiss
I got you over my lips
I got you under my skin I got
I got you under my skin
I got you over my grin
I got you under my skin

I want to dance so
Come on dance

Kick those shoes off
Come on dance
Ye who
Woooohhooo I got

I got you under my skin
I got you over my grin

I got you under my skin
I got you
I got you under my kiss
I got you over my lips
I got you under my skin I got
I got you under my skin
I got you over my grin
I got you under my skin

May 14, 2009

more of this

so ape aku buat hari ni?aku ade kerja sebenarnya

ayah aku suruh aku anta kereta Rondo pergi service..asyik rosak jer..benci pun ada gak...dah la kereta baru, tapi asyik-asyik rosak..Rondo..ko jgn sampai aku pujuk ayah aku jual ko..hahahahaha

gambar KIA services..kat setapak..

tak la jauh sangat..dekat dengan rumah shasha pun..oh ye..aku baru perasan, kat area situ je ade dua Old Town..kalau jauh-jauh takpe dekat-dekat..sah la bisnes laku sampai nak buat satu lagi kedai dekat-dekat situ kan?

oh are some pictures which i seem to have forgot to post here..

hah..perkenalkan..jaja dengan aisar..kalo yang tak tau..dia orang ni cousin..WALAUPUN dia orang baru tau yang dia orang ni cousin masa masuk dalam course yang sama ni kan...dapat dilihat dari gambar..perbezaan kedua-dua orang ini..sorang sangat SUPER CERIA+SUPER COMEL dan seorang lagi SUPER ANNOYING(especially to farid) hehehehe...

ni sebenarnya dah lama dah gambar ni..ambik time Sushi King ada promotion..tu bkn aku sorang ok?tu makanan untuk 5 orang(aku,jaja,aisar,biha,seri)..tapi actually ade 2 tower..satu lagi tak siap lagi..masa tu dia dah kira-kira..malas nak kelam kabut gambar best..tesis jaja..apa yang best?tgk la format kat muka depan..tiga-tiga copies ni lain-lain..BAGUS jaja BAGUS!!

aku macam tak faham kenapa aku tangkap gambar ni..oh ye..sebab dia org suruh..watever biha dgn fid..prior to the photoshoot dpn DTC..ada gaya model? 2nd unofficial photoshoot depan DTC..annoying gile aku tgk korang semua..hahahaha..jap..FARID KO TGH BUAT APE?!
