August 27, 2010

just an opinion

It's been a long time since I write something other know, stuffs..hehe

So here I'm back, and don't worries, I won't talk about any geeky stuffs in this post, but I do want to talk about some serious matters that are going on now. Before that, how are you guys? Have it been a great fasting month? It almost raya, thought I'm not so excited about it, why? Well because this year, I'll be spending raya in Kelantan, which is sucks because I only have like 1 uncle there, and the rest of the family is distance to me. So that's why..haih

And no, I'm still unemployed for those that wondering, it's not easy getting a job in this time of year to I guess, or maybe I'm being a bit choosy, well I did learn geology, it's not like there are a bunch of small local companies that would take just about everyone that learn geology. Nevertheless, I don't mind, if I can't go into geology, I will just apply for something else, try new things. Maybe go do a lot of travelling.

Anyway, this post is not about me, did you heard about the construction of a mosque in NY ground zero? (where there used to be the World Trade Centre) . I want to have a say in this, first of all, it just NOT just a mosque, the whole place will include a basketball court, a swimming pool, a whole bunch of recreational areas, and then there's a place to pray. So it's not JUST about the mosque. The people that oppose the idea, said it's insensitive to the people of New York, well aren't you being shallow? The people that into terrorist does not belong to any religion, no religion condone an act of terrorism, they are just bad people, that should be hang and kill. Do not associate Islam with terrorist, get the fact right. Oh and one more thing, the mosque is not going to build be build on top of ground zero, it is NEAR the place, another reminder to get the fact right.

I'm not being insensitive here, but won't hate just fuel more hatred? Wasn't that proved in our long history and existence on Earth here? Sometimes, people just want to see mayhem and chaos. Another thing that really make me angry is the comment on the newest Miss USA, Rima Fakih? The first muslim to won the pageant. She said that we should not build the mosque there, with I quote, "we should be more concern about the tragedy that religion" link here, SERIOUSLY? Shouldn't religion be the first thing in any muslim sound mind? But hey, it's her opinion, I only hope she said that just to get popularity vote.

Well, that's all my ranting, I could say more, but then, who would want to read the whole thing? So I left with a very cute picture of a cat with his/her mom and a video that Aysha introduced to me, watch and laugh!

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