November 16, 2010

one-way trip to Mars

Colonization on Mars could happen faster, if the people doesn't come back, at least that's what 2 scientist suggest. The 2 scientist, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, a professor of Washington State University and Paul Davies, a physicist at Arizona State University, argue that human colonization of Mars are possible if we doesn't count on them returning back (well that just suck).

The fuel and essential sources, such as food and power could be cut to almost 80%, which mean, we could speed things up. However, the idea was not popular among scholars and scientist, most of them actually hated the idea of sending people without possibility of returning to Earth.

Although the idea was not widely accepted, they intend on doing it anyway, if they was an eccentric billionaire, with a lot of money to spend. Rumours of PayPal founder and Inc CEO have been investing on space exploration, could help the scientist.

They said, that the Earth is a volatile planet, it is on constant threat of forces beyond our power, black hole, solar blast..things that just unpredictable, so one way for the species to survive is by venturing into space.

You can read all about it on Yahoo! in the link here.

If you ask me, everybody die at some point. But human being has always shown remarkable survival skills to claw their way up to the top of the food chain. But maybe there's something to it here.

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