August 21, 2011

Difference between iPhone and Android users

I've got this on, they really put a lot of trouble to find out what are the differences between iPhone and Android users, although I don't think this is scientifically proven. Here are some that interest me, for more, just click on the website link.

iPhone users:

1. Covers about 28% of mobile operating system
2. 18% likely to be women
3. slightly more likely to be an optimist
4. 26% more likely to spend more money
5. 22% more likely to have 3 or more emails

Android users:

1. Covers 39% of mobile operating system
2. 71% more likely to say they tend to follow than lead
3. 29% more likely to save money than spend
4. more than 100% likely to be a PC user
5. Like watching How I Met Your Mother and Harry Potter

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