December 30, 2007
December 29, 2007
December 27, 2007
my own personal mind..last post of da 3 weeks
kita start dengan yg gembira2 la..
firstly..aku baru kenal la perangai budak2 geo ni mcm mane..aysha seriously mmg horny gile..dah sangap la time fieldwork(oops!sori aysha)...encik farid pula memang dikenali dengan mulut lasernyer..tapi time field work ni berkali kali kali kali ganda teruk!hahaha..mulut dia kalo buka jer ade aje point nk di firenyer..
pastu baru la aku tau budak2 group lain dlm geo ni otak gile2 gak..ade gak sampai tak tertahan gelak dgn karenah budak2 nie....ade skali tu dia org cari gado ngan Mukhlis(budak baik dlm geologi)..tapi senyap lepas Mukhlis balas balik..hehehe..ambik ko!
ah si nina plak..dia ni lagi sorang yg mmg dah tak betul otak bila kat sana..bleh tak dia bayangkan aku mcm bf dia..sebab aku besar mcm bf dia..ahahaha..ade perkara lucah yg tak bleh di tulis dlm blog nie..nanti mendatangkan marah..hehehe..tapi mmg dia nie yg paling best gelak dia la..sampai 2 blok dpt dgr gelak dia..wakakakaka
si jaja paling pelik skali...mula2 tu dia ok lagi..paling sopan..paling tak kisah psl masalah2 kat fieldwork nie..wanita melayu terakhir la mcm tu..tapi bile dah nk abih field work ni..kerosakkan otak tu jelas skit..hehehe..tiba2 jadi mcm sgt nakal..and i mean in a seksi way..wakaka(sori la jaja..its true)
yg lain2 mcm biasa jer..bihah dgn kemanjaannyer..fid dgn skandal nyer..niza dgn aku jer..fina plak sentiasa buat muka kelakarnya..dini plak..hehehe..dgn skandal baru..S bukan nama sebenar..
yg guys plak tak byk lainnyer..sebab dah pernah duk skali takde bezanya..tapi aisar la paling saiko antara sumer skali..dah la tido sebilik..tapi perangai...menakutkan..meremang bulu roma...(i dun want to go into detail..hehe)
so wat the bad things tat happened?well..there is a couple of things..tapi tak terasa nk tulis dlm blog nie la...maybe a broad topic..i lose a fren sebab sumthing and there's some really bad people out there yg mmg kita tak bleh buat kwn lansung!itu jer yg perlu ade tau..details?send me a messages..ok?
orait gonna post some pics after this..later..
December 25, 2007
2nd post of my 3 weeks absent
first of all was Kemaman..kita org duduk kat Chukai..i think Affan tau bandar ni kat mane..tempat ni tak la besar mane..tapi it have almost everything a bandar needed..kat situ pun ade Hai Peng..a popular place utk minum kopi and sarapan..tapi bandar ni bandar mahal..everything kat situ pun mahal..dari makanan sampai la barang2 harian..kalo tak caya pegi la duk sana..tapi yg paling best kalo korang bukan org terengganu..mesti kena tipu..lebih2 lagi dlm bab makanan nie..sebab tu la nama Chukai..suka bagi cukai...
next we went to Kuantan..kat sini i met 2 seniors..i like shasha..because she had a hot body..hehehe...oh and kuantan is nothing like you will find Kuantan Midvalley..a lot smaller..but thats fine,sebab ade movies,shopping complex..lengkap la sebagai satu entiti shopping center...kat sini plak ade byk choice utk makan..tapi kita org duk 2 days jer..
next stop is Ipoh..sini amat la tak best..the place literally fill with prostitute and the hotel was yuck...but i dun care a lot about all long as i can sleep there,tat's fine..but it was a hard to find a good place to eat though..nasib baik ade pasar gak..kat sini gak terkantoi satu couple batch kita org pegang tangan berdating..nampak kita org terus je tempis tangan tu..malu ke?wakakaka..best2..
next is gerik..tak best gak..sebab tak byk choice utk makan..and tak byk benda bleh buat kat sini..nasib baik la duk satu malam jer..tapi ade pasar malam..kira ok la tu..and hotel dia pun tak best..
after that we went straight back to kuala lipis..this is the worst place to be..tempat makan jauh kat situ dah mcm bandar hantu..mlm2 dah tutup sumer..takut wooo..takde pasar malam pun..kita org duk sana pun satu malam jer..thank God..oh kat sini gak la budak2 pompuan kena kaco dgn mat rempit and mamat2 i suggest whoever nk duk sana,bring along a male it ur family or ur bf..
after that we went to jerantut..well there's not much here to talk this time we dun care we we sit..just make sure there have hot shower and a reasonable price..hehehe
and the lat stop would be mentakab..this is the place by they have McD,Pizza Hut,pasar malam..The Store...Watson..7E...and a lot more..mmg bandar besar la nie..and we stay there for 3 days before balik UM..we had a lot of fun here..main mercun..sambut raya...tapi the worse thing must be masa kita org kuar dari hotel yg dah dibooking sebab mahal and tak selesa..dah jumpa hotel yg lagi murah and selesa..mesti la tuka..tapi pastu gado dgn org hotel tu..hahaha..drama drama!
well i think itu je la tempat2 yg kita org melawat..i dun have to tell tempat yg kita org tgk batu..sgt la tak best kalo tulis dlm nie..i dun think i miss a place..kalo ade pun i think i hate that place sampai terlupa..hahaha..
orait post will be about my personal experience ok?the photos will be upload after all the post are done...
December 23, 2007
the 3 weeks posts
ive done some stupid things...ive done some good things..but the most important of all, i know the true nature of human.. goin to write a few posts for the past 3 not goin to touch much on geology stuffs...
orait..for my first post..what am i goin to talk about?let see..let me tell you guys generally where ive been and what ive been doin..ok?
orait..kita start dari time mula2 bertolak dari UM...from UM,we went straight to Kemaman,then Kuantan,after that Ipoh,then Gerik..lepas tu Kuala Lipis and then Jerantut..after that pegi Mentakab..hmm..i think thats all..gile kan?hahah..dah mcm cuti2 malaysia pun ade..hehehe
but it was cool...but i ended up spending up to 700 ringgit for this whole 3 weeks jer..gile tak gile...nasib baik ade duit petronas..tak la guna sgt duit parents..yg tak bestnyer..hotel yg kita org duk sume pun mahal2..tulis js budget hotel..budget la sgt..
the best place for me was kuantan..ade Kuantan Megamall..hahaha..the worst have to be in ipoh..or gerik...hotel dia sgt la tak best..mahal plak tu..ape bleh buat..tapi kita org guys no hal punyer..yg girls la asyik merungut jer..girls will be girls..oops!
neway..sebab slalu sgt dlm bas and travel je..kita org dah terbiasa dlm keadaan bas tu..and rasa pening je bila dah tak naik bas nie..hahaha..the worst part must be when we have to travel from gerik to kuala lipis..sgt jauh!about 3-4 hours journey..dah la gerak mlm2..nk tido pun dah tak larat..sebab asyik tido je..
sampai2 je trus day kena pegi tempat lain plak!dah naik gile!!gile!!
time yg plaing best mesti la mlm2..dpt makan sama2 pegi pasar malam sama2 and most of all kita org lepak sama2....2 mlm before balik KL,kita org main gitar..nyanyi2..bergosip and paling penting kita org ade masa untuk release tension..
ade byk lagi cite lain yg menarik and kurang menarik untuk di kongsi..tapi dlm post yg lain la..later then..
December 22, 2007
update after 3 weeks...
oh and by the way..listen to the new song i put ok?
kan ku berikan semua
agar kau gembira sentiasa
engkau tetap pergi
pergi meninggalkan ku sendiri
jgn disimpan tiada rahsia
katakan saja ku terima
engkau tetap pergi
pergi meninggalkan ku sendiri
waktu duka dulu
kita lalui bersama
bahagia bagaikan mlm ditemani bintang terang
hancur hati bila kau undurkan diri
meninggalkan daku
meninggalkan daku sendiri
senyuman manis dibawa angin
ku tunggu dikau terasa dingin
engkau tetap pergi
pergi meninggalkan ku sendiri
December 5, 2007
absent for 3 weeks
orait..for the next 3 weeks im goin to a fieldwork around malaysia..
so this is the last post for today and i dun think im gonna post anything until im back from the fieldwork..
so..till then...take care..
December 4, 2007
December 3, 2007
December 2, 2007
so who is this aneesa?
actually she's my fren..a really gud one too..maybe even better than some of u guys out there...wakakaka
thats why she's 2nd in my featured frens list in frenster(duuuh)
ok..let me post the photo first..

she's help me a lot..actually,she's really the one that knows a lot about my secrets and my darkest desire..hahahah
she knows almost everything about me..from my personal life,to not so personal life..
but its cool..she's really a hepi go lucky gal..except when it comes to exam season..hehehe
now she's wit nally,her bf for more than 5 or 6 six years...kinda cool kan?tapi skrang masalah baru plak..she' in dilema about marriage thingy..go check out her blog for more info..
and do leave some comments
oh she's also a roomate wit my long lost love..hahahaha,no..kidding..i use to like her roomate..for no apparent reasons..
she's a gud girl wit a great taste in music,food,places to spend some cash...but she's also a down to earth gal..strong,yet
ok..what else to talk?should i tell the whole world where she's live and maybe put her phone number here as well..hehehe,that would be cool..but so wrong
there's a lot to talk about her..but i let her do the check her blog and how she live her fabulous life..hahahah
i can hear the song..selamat pengantin baru(soon)...hahahaha
December 1, 2007
rumah dicat lagi..
and her sis is different from her..not to different,she has the same psycho attitude like seri..hehehe..
ok enough about sure you guys are feeling pretty boring hearing about her all the time..hehe
im gonna post some photos..try and guess what we are doin ok?
its pretty obvious isnt it?abih satu umah ni di cat..well i didnt do any work pun..i was only supervising..adik2 yg dpt upah..hehehe
later then..
November 29, 2007
puteri izza idora

ok...that sweet girl(and i dun refer to ayu) is her niece or sepupu..tak ingat la plak..puteri izza idora bte ismail...i think her parent have a thing about naming a kid
tapi ape2 pun..rasanya umur dia tak sampai skola rendah lagi..this pic was taken during kenduri ayu kt johor..and ayu wearing the unity band i gave thoughtful...
tau tak ape yg best psl idora nie?she is sooo like ayu(i mean the gud side)crazy,hyperactive,love music,love fashion(ayu ajar) and a lot she's soo sweet and soo adorable(ayu suruh tulis)
there's this funny things happened masa kenduri nie..idora ni kecik je lagi..nyusu ngan mak dijadikan cerita..dia tanya la ayu.."kak ayu ade nyet2 tak?"..i was laughing soo hard!she's so naive..and the ayu jwb "ade..tapi takde nyet2 la.."..being soo naive,idora aswered back.."ala kak ayu tipu..." starting to like this kid..
i just wish idora would not meet someone like me..she would just buli and torture him...just like what ayu doin to me rite now..hehehe..just kidding..
November 28, 2007
Michael Buble - Lost
and to whoever out there that just split with someone
listen to it in my blog or download it rite below..
Michael Buble-Lost
I can't believe it's over
I watched the whole thing fall
And I never saw the right man was on the wall
If I don't land
Days were slipping past
That the good things never last
That you were crying
Summer turned to winter
And the snow it turned to rain
And the rain turned into tears upon your face
I hardly recognized the girl you are today
And god I hope it's not too late
It's not too late
'Cause you are not alone
I'm always there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When your worlds crashing down
And you can't bear to fall
I said, babe, you're not lost
Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy
But you're not
Things have seem to changed
There's one thing that's still the same
In my heart you have remained
And we can fly fly fly away
'Cause you are not alone
And I am there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When the worlds crashing down
And you can not bear to crawl
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
here's the download..i also provide a few other songs..enjoy..
Michael Buble - Lost
Hujan - Pagi Yang Gelap
Alicia Keys - No One
November 25, 2007
this is soo true..
What Your Handwriting Says About You |
![]() You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance. You are very extroverted and outgoing. You are loving, friendly, and supportive. However, you are also manipulative and controlling at times. You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others. You don't a lot of space, and you prefer to spend time with others. You are a little nosy and intrusive. You sometimes don't give people enough space. You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart. You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous. |
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP) |
![]() Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm. Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
The Part of You That No One Sees |
![]() You are lively, dramatic, and flamboyant. You have an outrageous personality... And you secretly resent anyone who makes you tone it down. Underneath it all, you are driven by your need for attention and acceptance. You need to feel special at all times. You are secretly jealous and occasionally insecure. |
November 22, 2007
first let me list down my 4 wives..mula2 skali ayol..afta that..syera..later farah..and the last want would be..nad..
next im goin to tell a lil bit about them in DETAIL!!hehehe

she's really down to earth kind of girl..tapi kadang2..di salah erti as a me,she's just too nice..
nak tau mcm mane dia bleh jadi 1st wife?actually..dia yg mula2 minta..i was minding my own business,when she's suddenly ask my hand in marriage..hahahaha..tak ingat la sebab ape..tapi thats how its happen..
anyway ayol..i hope a year as my wife change u for the bette..hehehe
next is my 2nd and most probably the problematic one..SYERA

but she's a fierce women..garang bebenar..and never afraid to speak her mind about sumthing..she's a strong gal..really independant and doesnt need the opposite sex to make her safe..
now she's studying in the same university as i am,taking IT and i hope she'll be the best hacker ever!hahaha
the 3rd one is probably the most gentle of them all..presenting FARAH

i have so much fun with her..the first time i ask her to be my wife is when we were working on sumthing during my matriculation was late at nite..i think around 12 am..
she's a real nice girl,with a real gud attitude..but sumtimes she can be crazy..and that make her so fun to hang aroung with..
i have seen her play skateboard,drink things you wouldn't dare to some stupid stuffs that only God know..and at the end of the day,you forget that she's such a gentle girl..
last one,would be the most controversial of them all..NAD

anyway..afta the divorce ngan bf dia..i kinda hang around dia lagi rapat..and this secara tak lansung,menyebabkan im being this whole bunch of guys yg i dun even recall seeing them come to classes..but in the end,i ended up at UM and they just stop believing in education..hahahaha
the first time i met her,i dance wit her..can u believe that?it was during battle of the was also the first time her bf getting all jealous of me..
i asked her to be my wife on the eve of mid-sem exam i think..she said yes,bein blur always...
she's a nice girl..with a far ambition,really love music..a real crazy and fun girl to be with..i promise u,u cant get enough of her crazy idea..and u will neva get bored..i know i dun..
anyway,lepas goin to talk about all my kids!..hahaha..tipu jer..kalo ade pun,im not goin to write here,maybe kat frenster or facebook..ramai skit bleh baca..hahaha! leave some comments..
alicia keys - no one
Verse 1:
I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don’t worry ‘coz
Every thing's gonna be alright
People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is every thing’s gonna be alright
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I’m feeling
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you you you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
Verse 2:
When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don’t worry cause
Every thing's gonna be alright
People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is every thing’s gonna be alright
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I’m feeling
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
You you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
Verse 3:
I know some people search the world
To find something like what we have
I know people will try
Try to divide
Something so real
So till the end of time
I’m telling you that
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I’m feeling
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
oh oh oh …
November 18, 2007
oh..have u heard about LIVE AND LOUD KL?i really wanna go and see james morrison perform..but i dun have enough money..i need the money for my field trip..damn!well..maybe some other time then...
what else happen?oh yes...seri dah breakup ngan bf dia..nite before the last exam paper..and few days after her birthday....she must has been devastated..but 1 thing i know about her is,she will not stay single for a long time..maybe 2,3 minggu after next sem dia dah ade bf baru...i hope tis time she get someone really nice..wit a lot of money utk blanja kwn2 dia nie..hehe frens dah balik kampung..cuti before pegi ke field trip..i will return wit darker on earth am i goin to get my fair skin before next sem....
alrite then..ive been writing too much..maybe lepas nie..i talk about sumthing..most of you tak tau..
November 17, 2007
well i dun really have the mood to write anything..i dun have mood to feel anything not really in any mood..
why?i dun suppose to be happy..exam dah abih kan?so nape tak hepi?maybe sebab masalah bertimbun 1 after another..
let me ask u one thing..what happen when 2 people that really sucks in love ended up falling for each other?could it happen?
ahh....masuk bab2 cinta dah penat la nk tulis lagi..maybe i do need someone to hold and hug...
November 11, 2007
pause jap
anyway..have a great goin to write back after this week end..
November 10, 2007
test of democracy
so..nk tulis psl ape kali nie?psl rusuhan kat KL about this group,BERSIH..have u guys heard bout it?its about this group that want a clean and better election next year..
the group move from dataran merdeka to masjid jamek to pasar seni..and end at the palace to send a memorandum to the the palace..thats all..hantar memorandum jer..tapi dihalang by almost every police in KL..
nape ade rusuhan..well mcm biasa la...polis halang dan tak bagi ade perhimpunan haram di arah beredar...but the people dont want to..and hell break this story is just show a lil bit in TV3(since TV3 pun kerajaan kawal).,tapi kalo korang tgk al jazeera..u guys can see almost everything that happen at masjid jamek ptg tadi..FRU came along and started spraying chemical water..
now,if you guys remember..goverment takde kuasa on bidang kehakiman and inforcement of law..tapi tgk la skrang..kerajaan bagi desakan kat polis supaya perhimpunan ini tak bleh berlaku..for your info la..polis bertugas utk mengawal perhimpuanan aman mcm ni patut dibenarkan..dan tak patut dihalang..all the police have to do is keep the peace..but what happen now?where's the democracy?
and SPR skrang pun di desak oleh kerajaan skrang..its all in the name of so call democracy kat negara kita...
i dun want to write a lot in this..nothing kena marah oleh kerajaan sendiri..sedangkan a freelance journalist pun kena panggil ke court..hehehe
wat happen tis morning is a test of 50 years of democracy in our country..
what do you guys think?
November 9, 2007
an original sound track from the movie Stardust...
check out the movie..i give it a 3 and a half star over 5...

need more info on stardust?click here...Stardust The Movie