January 19, 2008

its an update..

i dun think im goin to update my blog anytime soon..sbb bz dgn byk laporan and test this coming 2 weeks..but i wil try to make some time..

so what i wanna write today?

hmm..yesterday,i went to the twins school to fetch then there..and i saw this 2 boys, they were brothers..one of them is as big as the wall im leaning to...satu lagi ni kecik sgt..hahahaha..tersenyum tgk dia org..teringat plak kat twins tu..

takde benda best yg berlaku..oh ye..dah kawan balik dgn seri..not out of pity or anything like tat..tapi sebab tats wat a fren suppose to do kot..

ive have to make things better wit her at least..

wat else?oh ye..birthday jaja makin dkat..and dia minta beg..tak tau nk belikan ape..since skrang ni ade sale..kena cari kan satu utk dia..yela bkn slalu belikan dia hadiah(actually kena paksa..haha)

oh ye..ade satu cite psl adik sharlini..mesti korang kenal kan?the poor kids now been lost for almost 2 weeks..sape la yg keji dgt nk culik budak2 kecik yg tau ape2 kat dunia nie?so kalo ade info..btau la polis..it really helps..

for your info,proton new car is call saga..which is the same like the old saga..the reason they name it that is because they want the saga to continue..huhuhu

alrite then..nothing interesting to tell..kalo ade ape2 nanti i write it all..


Anonymous said...


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

YAY! hip hip hoorey!! sgt suka dat u dah berbaik!