January 25, 2008

never never never

well..what im gonna write anyway?

arini sumthing silly happened..or should i say sumthing weird happened..cite dia start lepas solat jumaat la..anta fina n zizi pegi uruskan pendaftaran subjek..masa lintas jalan..ade satu gadis(GADIS?!!!) comel ni naik motor..and i was smiling at her..yela..comel..tiba2 dia tersipu2 malu..hahahaha..

and fina tiba "anip..ko buat ape sampai dia tersipu2 tu?ko gatal ngan dia ek?"

zizi plak "ko ni gatal.."..

la..dah tu nk buat mcm mane?nampak sgt pompuan tu malu2..its not me...its the other me..the casanova part..hehehe

wat else?oh ye..i just find out that some of my frens does not approve im back being a fren wit seri anymore..i thought dia org yg nk anip kwn balik...pelik tak?rasa mcm nk tanya nape..tp as long as dia org tak buat muka masam dgn anip okla..i dun care..kwn biar beribu!

oh ye..semalam lunch KFC, and jumpa izzati kat situ..sape izzati?well..takyah la korang tau..certain people je kenal...tp masa kat KFC tu..another fren of mine..kuzek..dia mcm terkejut la...dia ckp "awek2!!"...tiba2 awek tu lambai kt anip..terus ternganga mulut dia..muahahahaha..sakit ati la tu..huhuhu

well..takde ape lagi nk cite..my life skrang ni dah stabil balik..next week got test..later then..


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...


sure rase best gils time izzati lambai u tu.'kesian kwn' nep tu


Haniff said...

hahaha..sian kan?terus dia nk anip kenalkan..huhuhu

Anonymous said...

aiyo. konfiden tau. kasanova gtew.. lariii hahaha