December 9, 2010

SS Huckleberry

So for those that waiting for a zombie apocalypse and wanted a safe house, here's one, it won the 2010 Zombie Safe House Competition. Introducing the SS Huckleberry, click picture for bigger view.

How the safe house come to be, is because of one simple rule, zombie can't swim, we've seen this many times in countless movie, that zombie doesn't have the necessary function to swim. So what better place to go on living than on a river.

The best part of this safe house is the fuel it use. Zombie diesel. Yes, that's right, using zombie to fuel your boat, what a great idea! We have countless zombie trying to eat your brain, it's basically a free source of energy, plus we also cleaning the world.

Living on a river is also a great idea, you constantly moving, and have major cities all along the river, providing plenty of resource, plus a great view out of your bed room, living the dream baby!

Now if only somebody just release the virus on the water treatment facility, we can all have a zombie apocalypse.

Link here.

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