February 15, 2011

salam Maulidur Rasul


It's one birthday that all the muslim remembered to celebrate. The day, the last prophet Muhammad saw was born or Maulidur Rasul.

So basically, Maulidur Rasul celebrate the born of the last prophet, Muhammad saw. This is a great day, that is celebrated across the globe.

For the whole day, muslim around the world will have a talk (ceramah/tazkirah) among loyal muslim, about the prophet, about his life and legacy, about remembering the prophet. Marching around while singing and praising the prophet is also another way of celebrating the day, however, not until recently that it is said not to be a proper way to celebrate.

So on this auspicious day, greet your loyal muslim, forget about valentine's day yesterday (it's haram anyway) and just read a little history about how Muhammad saw become the greatest figure in the history of mankind.



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