February 2, 2011

you won't believe when this is taken

OK, ok? Why am I writing like this? Forget it. I've got something good to share with you. Do you photography? Do you love taking pictures? Well if you love that, then you must love this.

Gizmodo challenge all those that love to take pictures to take pictures at night, that looks like day time. Yes, you read it right. So how do you do it? Easy...by making the exposure longer. Oh for those that don't understand, in simple term, by keep pressing the camera without releasing, so that light could get through and be capture longer.

So in the end, you will have the below photos, I don't know if there are all taken from night, but if they made it the cut, then they must have been. More photos in this link.

So enjoy the pictures, and experiment it yourself. Can't wait to try this.

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