semalam ari khamis kua dengan fina n affan..pegi klcc jer..
mula2 sampai,dia org tak sampai lagi..affan dah msg dah.."aku lambat..tren ni tak sampai2 lagi"..aku bls la.."drebar demam kot?"hehehe
bile sume dh kumpul mcm biasa la..mula la merayau..meracau..menganggu org ramai..hahahaha...
affan tak pernah dtg klcc time cuti skola kot..dia ckp tak ramai..skali ambik ko!nk berjalan pun susah..dah la cuti skola...budak2 skola plak ramai..mengalahkan budak2 universiti nie..haha..mcm mane la agak2 dia org bila dah besar nie..
ape2 pun..kita org tgk 2 movie,ingat nk tgk nnt tak sempat nk bergosip n camera tgk 2 je..APA KATA HATI dgn NARNIA..
so nk letak gamba la..i have to warn u though..gambar2 ni..tak seswai di tonton kalo lemah semangat..hahaha
gaya incredible hulk..well..almost
kesan effect ijau ni dari kamera fina..which is really really really cool!and look at affan..dia mmg nk muntah time tu..tgh tahan tu!
again..doin our thing...they said icecream make us young..not forever anyway pun keja kamera fina..this is what happen..if..we were to wear a lipstick..
memandangkan banyak permintaan untuk lagu Bau-Warkah dari cerita Sinderela,aku akan post lagu tu untuk di download..and aku add 2 lagi lagu lain,imran ajmain-hanya menari dgn rossa-ayat-ayat cinta(sempena movie dia yg akan ditayangkan nnt) ..
1.tak merokok 2.tak minum arak 3.lelaki 4.suka perempuan 5.pakar komputer 6.tinggi 180+cm 7.benci pemanasan global
1.hilang orang tersayang 2.hilang kewarasan akal 3.hilang keimanan diri 4.peperiksaan 5.hancur hati kerana cinta 6.bumi tak dapat diselamatkan 7.jadi orang terakhir kat bumi
1.bau-warkah 2.imran ajmain-hanya menari buck shot-khayalan masa 4.leona lewis-better in time 5.ashanti-the way i love you 6.rossa-ayat-ayat cinta 7.alicia keys-teenage love
1.saiko 2.durh 3.ek? 4.huh? 5.erm 6.kot 7.ler...
1.orang tersayang 2.iman dalam diri ini 3.kejujuran 4.bumi 5.ilmu 6.memori 7.keindahan
1.kenal komputer(darjah 4 kot) 2.kenal internet(form 1 kot) 3.pakai spec(ni sekolah rendah) 4.dapat lesen kereta(gembira tak terhingga) 5.dapat 8A PMR 6.dapat scholar petronas 7.dapat masuk UM
i always heard this kind of sentence when it come to falling in love..
"when u love someone,you feel like you the whole world is yours,and you feel like you can do whatever you want,you know she/he is your true love,because everyday would feel good when you with her,and you would do anything to please her"
or almost something like that,and let me ask anyone out there,is it true?is it possible for a true love to happened?
i don't think it would happen for me in this lifetime,or any other for that matter
i love women..every normal straight guy would say this,but i don't think im gonna find anyone for a jerk,im not good enough for them..
yes yes,some said that im just too afraid for commitment..believe me,every man do!but in time,we will settle down..but i don't think i would..
im soo easy to get bored to anything,especially women(why do i have a long list duh~)
that's why i don't think im gonna find the right one for me...yes,some might say that im still young..but read more below..
i just cant face the fact that im gonna see the same face everytime i wake up in the morning and everytime i came back does anyone do that?
but don't get me wrong,im gonna have a commitment in life..i want to have something that i could love,and it could love me back..
so i decided to adopt a child!!
yes yes..people will said im poyo or anything,its true..ive always been good around kid..ade gak yg akan tanya..tak bosan plak ke dgn budak?i don't think so..they never seem to make me bored..
well this is my internal affairs..
tp kalau ada juga seorang insan yang datang membuka hati ni..terbuka seluas2nya..maybe,just maybe..
early this morning i read the The Star..i saw this news about UM leading the ratings of Rating System for Malaysian Higher Education Institutions 2007 (Setara) and the only 5 stars local public that was chosen by the Higher Education Ministry..hooray!! for UM...
there was 2 others university that got 4 stars UIA and UTM,but none of our local university got 6 stars,the highest rank
now this rating is bein rated by 5 categories..the usual academic staffs,administration,student selectivity,research,academic programmes and resources
the rating was introduce to compare each local university..
u guys must have heard of an Apex University right?local university that have potential to become known internationally?well we better do the best than..let the world see the best of us kali ni agak kontroversi..and i think a lot before nk buat terasa nk buat me childish or pathetic or whatever names you want to call,this is my blog..i can do whatever i want..
some that read this blog,might be in shock by what im posting here..but thats the reaction i want..hahahaha..
nk tulis psl every girl yg i use to like..or had a crush with..anyone that i felt.."i think i like this girl"..or someone that i trully cant live without at that particular time..its stupid..i bkn slalu tulis mcm nie?(ye ke?)..oh and i list it time..from primary to University..
sorry for using your photo without permission..this post is totally just for fun..its does not tell anything..and if you want me to edit or remove this post..just tell me..i might consider it..enjoy..
oh and please read this post by listening to MUSE-UNINTENDED
this is shima,my first crush ever..i know her from my primary school..she's really sweet..a nice girl..hard to find one now,and she's not in the market(dh ade bf ler)..lucky girl
this is aliaa..i know her from my secondary school..i like her because of her high ambition..she want to become director of WHO(world health organization)..i even remember the way she told her ambition to the whole class..thats prety much wowed me away..
this is puteri dayana..i like her from form 1..and i still like her..but she will not know that..but we still keep in touch..mostly through YM..i use to fight with her who has the better result..she is sweet,and fierce too!auumm!
this is fatin..we have history,but not romantically or anything..just some stupid decision i made
this is anees..the truth?i had a crush on her when i was on form 2..i would stalk her everywhere..scary huh?hahaha
orait..this is my junior..aishah nama dia..sweet girl(NOT!)..sebenarnya dia sgt garang..first time kenal kat boarding school..dia mcm tomboy pun dia baik lepas tu..lemah gemalai dpn aku je..dpn laki lain mcm askar!
ni nisa..kenal dia pun kat boarding school...i like her for the first half of form 4,pastu dia mcm taknak involve with this lovey dovey i respect her she's in US doin her study..
ni controversy..nama dia yana,kenal kat boarding school gak..masa ngorat dia..tgh ngorat org lain skali(gamba kat bwh nie)suka dia sbb dia lain dari yg lain..sweet tp tough i lie to her a lot..and i decided better not do anymore damage..
dia ni nabila,from my boarding controversy post yg psl single mistake tu..she's like the best thing that ever happened to me..she's the last girl i like before i went to PASUM..she smart,sweet and a lot of kalo tak bleh handle dia..baik cabut!
ni nama dia adah..from my boarding school gak..actually..she was like a test subject to me..what kind of test?better not ask..anyway..she's a real cuty..hehe
ni syera,kenal time of the earliest girl ive been friend with..she's a real deal..garang..tak takut laki..speak her mind(a lot!)..sampai kena tegur dlm kolej..hahaha..but she's really nice..
ni plak farah..kenal dia kat pasum,dia ni sweet gila!betul tak tipu..tak garang pun!suka dia time tgh blaja kat dia kata nk concentrate study,lgpun dia dh ade bf..haha
ah..i try to forget ithnani..nama dia sempena ari isnin dia lahir(sumpah!)dia ni suka cari gado dgn aku..last2 syok kat at that time dia ade tak bleh mmg dia ni suka cari psl dgn aku..mcm mane bleh kenal pun tk tau..
ni plak ayu..skrang dh ade bf..dgn kwn aku yg tak romantik lansung..agaknya dia suka org mcm tu..tak suka suka pandang dia..really sweet and nice girl..seswai buat isteri..
ni nad..lagi satu kontroversi..ngorat dia masa dia ade bf..patut ke?tak patut..tak patut..but who cares kan?kalo bf layan dia mcm barang je..baik aku sapu..but tats what i thought at that time..sadly mmg bkn milik aku pun..
ni plak..lyd..dia ni erm...dia lawa..aku suka dia mcm i like her...sbb kenaifan dia..hehe
this is amirah..i never really get to she's different now from the time i met her..another beautiful girl that caught my eyes..
ni nama dia wanie,from my scholars frens..bkn suka dia or perangai dia made me feel comfortable with her..much of someone i know now..
this is sophie..i met her through seri..we had a pretty good "relationship" for about 2 weeks..hahaha
ama..or ava(she likes to be call ava) sabah..really sweet kan?kenal dia 1 week je kat UM..sbb dia nk pindah blajar cyberjaya..amazingly dia one room dgn nabila(ala yg kt atas tadi)..fate does have a weird way kan?
hahaha..aisar gonna kill me if he sees nik fatin,blaja kat UM kenal dia from a fren of a fren..and she is aisar's rapat gak la..i confess to her before,but at that time..we both were too young(baru kenal 1 minggu kot) better not do sumthing we might regret later kan?
this is one special girl,nama dia ifa..i never talk about her much in this blog..i dun know why..but she is one of many person i will appreciate forever in my life..for giving me so many reason to be happy..but mcm was not memories of UM will always have her with it.. this is almost everyone i can remember..i befriend with all of them,and i will continue to do so..
this list ended on my 1st half of my university who knows,there might be more to come?hahaha..
but seriously..looking at the list..its obvious that i actually never get to stick to any of them..and the reason was me i think..
hope i never have to make another long list like this..not like you guys want to read all of them anyway..later then..
alrite..i just want to update a lil bit thats been happening around the world,in case u miss anything..
first of all..i have downloaded the latest gossip girl..and i know who is gay in the family..and what S darkest secret..
food's price keep on increasing,same as the oil everywhere..nothing new there..but i did heard from the news that our oil can only support up to 22 years only,and gas about 32 years..pretty shocking..and this come from Petronas itself..hmm..wonder if i should consider looking for a new job?
what else?oh ye..u know i dun like im gonna post really quick here..PKR said,they are ready for new goverment,because almost 30 of Sabah BN reps ready to join PKR..and Karpal Singh get attention because of it statement of Sultan Perak..anything else?oh ye..about this whole ketuanan melayu thingy..stop it thing i know about that they always act by their emotion..and im a malay!!
and about the ruckus goin on Parliment,im surprise to see a lot of discussion among them..but nothing is made for the people..i mean,we choose them because we want something to change rite?its time to think about wat the people want...sheesh!
oh..u should totally listen to this girl..Marie can find her on youtube and imeem..she's really talented,and she will have a small showcase tomorrow at OU,so be sure to check her out..
nothing else i gonna post about someone after this post k?its about my high school crush..later..
but today around 2 AM(SUNDAY) Malaysia time,Pangea Day will be held around the world simultaneously..airing on StarWorld,Astro
what is Pangea Day? Pangea Day is when the world walk the path together and see the world through others perception,joins by almost every international celebrities,it is the day when we got to seethe world at as it is,honest and sincere...
it is the day when world film makers show their movies globally..
so sit back and enjoy almost 4 hours of none stop short films,made by people all over the world..
hmmm...ade beberapa perkara yang nk disentuh disini..mostly perkara-perkara yang sedang berlaku sekarang..
for those yg tak baca papers or listen to the something you should globally has decrease..thus making the price of food to jump high in the last 2 weeks..and oil price jump up to 122 dolars last wednesday(crazeee!)
so lets start this with the question why is this happening?the answer is quite simple...its all about due to oil prices..why the oil price jump up?demand...China starting to be a global power and are turning itself into and industrial it need fuel..more industry,more demand for fuel..
so how does oil affect the food price?oil is use on our daily basis..rite?its use even in agriculture..thus,when the oil price hikes up,so does the food..its simple..
but other factors need to be considered..the demand for food 2010,the population of earth would be 10 billion people..that is huge!thus increases the demand for more food..
and why food globally has become low production?thats something is said that we have production of food for more than 12 billion people..and we now are only 6 billion where does all the food gone to?
this is another question of food to increase food price?by high demand,but low productivity..simple..but because production is high,there's no way the price would rise rite?so what happen is..and this is just in theory..some food company..have store food,and told the whole world,that the food production has for little product of food..equal rising price and more money..but this is all in theory..
this does not mean,we don't need to panic..not yet that is..
orait..thats all..just stating my thoughts here..later
Ayat Ayat Cinta is a beautifully portrayed Islamic love story – a tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles of life maintaining pure ideals.
Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets.
Only one goal is left unattempted: the pursuit of marriage.
For Fahri is innocent and pure, and doesn't believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to him – his mother and grandmother.
Life changes drastically in Egypt for he suddenly finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women.
Maria Girgis, a shy, open-minded Coptic-Christian neighbor who is attracted to the teachings of the Holy Al Quran, finds herself falling in love with Fahri (a fact she only reveals to her diary).
Nurul, a student at Al Azhar like Fahri, is the Muslim daughter of a renowned Indonesian cleric. Fahri feels unworthy of her and thus ignores his feelings for her, leaving her confused and guessing.
Noura, an abused Egyptian neighbor, develops strong romantic feelings for Fahri, who in turn simply sympathizes with her situation. His romantic rejection destroys her and eventually leads to a false accusation of rape.
Aisha, a German Turkish student in Cairo haunts Fahri with her beautiful eyes. Following an incident on the metro where Fahri defends her against narrow minded bigoted Muslims, both immediately develop feelings for each other.
As the story unravels, the protagonist makes the audience face the daunting decisions he himself faces, and forces us to marvel at his undying loyalty to the true ideals of Islam as he ultimately makes the choice of a lifetime.