May 13, 2008

real quick update

alrite..i just want to update a lil bit thats been happening around the world,in case u miss anything..

first of all..i have downloaded the latest gossip girl..and i know who is gay in the family..and what S darkest secret..

food's price keep on increasing,same as the oil everywhere..nothing new there..but i did heard from the news that our oil can only support up to 22 years only,and gas about 32 years..pretty shocking..and this come from Petronas itself..hmm..wonder if i should consider looking for a new job?

what else?oh ye..u know i dun like im gonna post really quick here..PKR said,they are ready for new goverment,because almost 30 of Sabah BN reps ready to join PKR..and Karpal Singh get attention because of it statement of Sultan Perak..anything else?oh ye..about this whole ketuanan melayu thingy..stop it thing i know about that they always act by their emotion..and im a malay!!

and about the ruckus goin on Parliment,im surprise to see a lot of discussion among them..but nothing is made for the people..i mean,we choose them because we want something to change rite?its time to think about wat the people want...sheesh!

oh..u should totally listen to this girl..Marie can find her on youtube and imeem..she's really talented,and she will have a small showcase tomorrow at OU,so be sure to check her out..

nothing else i gonna post about someone after this post k?its about my high school crush..later..

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