May 9, 2008

food,food,where have the food gone?

hmmm...ade beberapa perkara yang nk disentuh disini..mostly perkara-perkara yang sedang berlaku sekarang..

for those yg tak baca papers or listen to the something you should globally has decrease..thus making the price of food to jump high in the last 2 weeks..and oil price jump up to 122 dolars last wednesday(crazeee!)

so lets start this with the question why is this happening?the answer is quite simple...its all about due to oil prices..why the oil price jump up?demand...China starting to be a global power and are turning itself into and industrial it need fuel..more industry,more demand for fuel..

so how does oil affect the food price?oil is use on our daily basis..rite?its use even in agriculture..thus,when the oil price hikes up,so does the food..its simple..

but other factors need to be considered..the demand for food 2010,the population of earth would be 10 billion people..that is huge!thus increases the demand for more food..

and why food globally has become low production?thats something is said that we have production of food for more than 12 billion people..and we now are only 6 billion where does all the food gone to?

this is another question of food to increase food price?by high demand,but low productivity..simple..but because production is high,there's no way the price would rise rite?so what happen is..and this is just in theory..some food company..have store food,and told the whole world,that the food production has for little product of food..equal rising price and more money..but this is all in theory..

this does not mean,we don't need to panic..not yet that is..

orait..thats all..just stating my thoughts here..later

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