November 21, 2008

device for the future or something else?

this post is about geology..i know i know..its boring..but hei..this could be the next future..yours,mine and the next generation..hehehe

ok..ive been doin nothing lately since holiday,and i were watching a lot of tv...

a few days ago,i watched discovery channel and was surprise by a few new documentaries on tackling climate change and global warming..its involve the latest gadget and technology

here's an example..

there's a prototype machine that was able to suck down CO2 or carbon dioxide,the main contributor to global warming...

this machine are said to be the next big thing that will helps reduce and maintain the CO2 emission in the atmosphere...

the biggest problem about this idea is that if its come to use..people around the world would not care about CO2 emission anymore..because they think that this machine would just suck everything no more obligations to tackle global warming...

and another machine that is being tested right some what similar to the a machine above,the only different is that it involve plankton that use CO2 as foods..

massive breeding of this plankton at the deep sea would probably help reduce 3 trillion tan of CO2 every year...

still the same problems..if this do come to work,people would just forget about the emission of CO2..and would not care about it anymore..

this is the world we live in..there cannot be peace without sufferings...but let make the sufferings a lot less than a day before...

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