January 28, 2009


oh...lama rasa tak tulis dalam nie..

been bz skit with tesis and all..(all = unimportant stuffs)

so anyway...ive notice something in the blogger world..it seems more and more people like doin video instead of writing now..dun know why..maybe its sincere..or maybe they just getting tired of writing and decide to video themselves instead..

anyway..im not goin to do that lagi..still too early..lgpun..aku ni mane la kacak sangat..muka pun tak komersial..mane bleh buat video..takde sape nk dgr..*hukhuk*

on different topic..since its school/university hols for most of us..my mom wants me to take the twins to Petrosains..i don't know why,they've been there...when they were 5 years old kot..baru je tu..tak sampai 10 years gap..hahahaha

so i pun pergi la..but i minta duit belanja..lunch..breakfast..high tea..muahahahaha

i haven't ask for my parents any money since im sponsored my PETRONAS..feels kinda weird asking now..tapi..money is money

alright la..they you go..i post some pics for tomorrow's plan..later..

oh...i know she won't be reading this in this short time..but just wanna say.."buat fieldwork elok-elok.."..siapa?biarlah rahsia..

au revoir


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

Cant wait for yours!

shesh, you must be referring to me especially. hehe. yeah, got bored of blogging. give me 6-10 months, sure by then, i would be bored of vlogging and polly moving on to another way of expressing self ;)

again, cant wait for yours! and also, ze pictures of yer outing ;)

Haniff said...

hahaha..if u need 6-10 months..i lagi la ayol

wat other way of expressing?singing?or dancing..hmm..

oh..n pasal nepal tu..we are on(me+u+"u-know-who") hehehehe

Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

of course, its still on ;)

what's the next way of expressing? dunno yet. whatever they come up with I guess. I still haven't tried twittering. prolly that ;)

Haniff said...

hahaha..ok..good luck on tat!!

affanazami said...

wah. nak buat vlogging gak. mcm mane si ayol tue buat?

Haniff said...

3 things kena ada..a camera with video recording..an account in youtube/any website tat support video streaming..and a great topics to share

and thats it..

oh jgn lupa..u need a blog too!

Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

If ada berani boleh terus upload kat youtube, no need a blog ;)

I'm such a coward! not ready for the whole world to view me. tu guna private video stash account.

Anep, I'm on twitter now! after mention twitter, mcm sgt nak kena ada twitter rasanya. heh.

Haniff said...

hahahaha..u memang..bila terasa mesti nak..bagus la tu..i might use it as well