September 2, 2010

Plitvice National Park looks AWESOME!

I was wandering the website this morning and found today's amazing place! This has got to be on my "Have to visit" list.

This is Plitvice Lake National Park in Croatia. Tell me you don't say WOW !when looking at this pictures? It's amazing how this hidden treasure stayed hidden for all this time.

According to Wikipedia, the park is surrounded by 3 mountains. The lake has a natural dam, made out of action from moss, algae and bacteria. The dam grow 1cm every year. The park has been in UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979, for its outstanding beauty.

The place, however has many restrictions, including no cars allowed inside the park. However the place do have hotels and restaurants at the entrance of the park.

You can learn more about it here and here.

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