November 18, 2008

just a text conversation i am after four days absent..i was in johor for my relative's wedding..(kalau dua pupu dalam english ape ek?) going to write about the wedding later composing and editing the pictures..

what i like to write about a conversation i had with a friend of mine..well..she's not really a friend..more of a friend of a friend..

i know her from my school's friends..she's in UKM now..i never met her,but we talk like we have known each other for a long time..

the conversation through sms are pretty boring..the usual stuffs,until she talked about her ex-bf and her new bf..i kinda like this kind of conversation..but to protect and respect her,i leave out all the details..

in summary of the 2 hours sms,she said that she kinda still have feelings for her ex..but she's too afraid to admit it to him...she told me,the reason they broke up was not up to them..but by their peers and family...

its a long story..but..she's decided to get together with this guy,who she thought was like him in some way..but he was not..he is nice and kind..but he is just not like him..

so she's in dilemma..

so i said something comforting...i want to give the best advice to her..but life is in a mess too!!how can a guy like me said or give any good advice to her?

probably the best thing i could said is..that her life has just started,that feelings that she still lingered on,could never be taken away..but maybe one day that feelings will be replace,or maybe it will help her to get back together with him..

i added that..i cant say that what she felt is love..but maybe in some small pieces of that feelings,it is love

she ended the conversation rather quickly though..before she stop texting me..she said that she will fight for her ex..i dont really approve of that,but i didnt tell her anything..because,after all its up to her.

im writing about this just because i think its something i could share...

maybe next time i write something similar


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

Second cousin kot? oi, you said you want to sms me when u r in jb. shesh balik alreadii dieeee heeee :D

Haniff said...

ala..tak guna pun i msg..i was bz all day kat sana..hahaha..kalo i ada singgah danga bay,i i tak singgah pun..

and bkn ke second cousin tu..sepupu ke dua?hahahaha

Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

chop..Dua pupu tu apa sebenarnya?
Second cousin tu mcm your cousin punya cousin...err...get the picture tak?

oh ok, takpe, I dah agak padahal;)

Haniff said...

mmg la..tapi bkn 2nd cousin kan..more like..erm..secondary cousin..hahahaha

Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

so dua pupu tu one's cousin punya cousin ke? translation mmg teknik tak leh pakai. hehe. ini saya pelajari semasa mempelajari spanish.

Haniff said...

erm..take it like this..the bride tu..adalah anak kepada my mom's punye cousin..she's not my cousin..but she's my dua pupu..

paham kan?

Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

oh ohhh...wait, thats second cousin jugak:)...yg I katasecond cousin is cousin kepada cousin tu salah ...ish, confuse, it took me 10 minutes to figure out. susah family connections ni ;)

affanazami said...

wah wah, bagi la nombor, bley aku jumpe die di ukm n dishing some of ur dirts. lalalaa

Haniff said...

hahaha..ayol..ur brain getting slow ke sejak holiday nie?hahaha

affan..takde dirt la..aku kenal dia mcm tu mcm tu je..hehehe