August 28, 2008


credit to SERI again for introducing this movie to me..

this is a very sad movie to the last tell a story of 4 people that met in a very odd way..

the story start with JUDE LAW met with NATALIE PORTMAN whom just been hit by a car..then they started dating..

after a certain time, JUDE LAW met JULIA ROBERTS a photographer that took his pictures for his new book,and he felt in love with JULIA but at the same time still love NATALIE...

at that time JULIA did not pay any attention to JUDE or her feelings,saying that it is all but a lie..JUDE,feeling down,started to stalk JULIA for a year,and accidentally bring a CLIVE OWEN to JULIA by an internet chat...where JULIA and CLIVE started dating..

after some time,JULIA tells the truth about her feeling to CLIVE that she in love with JUDE from the first time they met,and JUDE tell NATALIE that he in love with JULIA...

feeling depress..both NATALIE and CLIVE started to live their own live,but accidentally met in a strip club where CLIVE eventually have sex with NATALIE...

CLIVE being a very cunning man,trick JULIA to sleep with him 1 last time before he officially let her off,but JULIA told JUDE about the incident and JUDE feelings enrage went and met with CLIVE..there CLIVE told JUDE to go back to NATALIE..

being with NATALIE again,give JUDE a new purpose..but after knowing that she had already slept with CLIVE, JUDE snap and slap NATALIE..

thus everything fall to CLIVE plan...CLIVE got JULIA back,JULIA have to live with someone she does not love..JUDE lost both NATALIE and JULIA..and NATALIE went back to US and change her life..

told you this story was a sad one..the previous post are the OST for this movie..again credit to SERI

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