August 2, 2009


there are a lot of things that I want to have in this world before I leave it...and here are the most recent that I am lucky enough to get..

*drum roll*


how did I got this?with a lot and lot of persuasion, and of course the condition and timing is perfect..

though its not the high level or pro level DSLR, its enough for a new entry or a beginner..introducing Sony Alpha230!!an almost perfect new entry DSLR for those who badly wanted to get into photography..specs and details?baca la kat internet..dah banyak sangat dah..and kenapa aku tak beli Nikon or Canon?there's a long long long story...malas nak tulis kat sini..tak menarik pun

this however will came out of my 1st month gaji when i start working will be for the people I love most dad and my mom *sedih* ..yang tak abis-abis kata kamera ni membazir, but still support me nonetheless..(^_______________^)

macam mane aku b0leh dapat kamera nie?well it all started a few months, seriously...ketika ni aku nak daftar subjek KO-K..tapi tak dapat..sebab Jaja nak daftar sama kita orang pun daftar la Asas Seni Fotografi...a great class..cuma terlalu advance untuk orang macam kelas tu memerlukan DSLR..yang kami semua takde...

plan asal nak pinjam..tapi nak pinjam dari sape?sape kah yang ada kamera sebegini?tiada yang kami kenal....akhirnya terpaksa minta ibu dan ayah...actually..agak keberatan jugak, the truth is goin to change his handphone and mom want to buy something for hari lebih gak la berfikir tentang nie..but then I got a green light from my dad..and it was on..

today..pegi Low Yat search for it..dan akhirnya jumpa..oh, and by the way..nowadays its not a great idea tuk pegi public places..with H1N1 spreading around...unless your're wearing mask like us tadi pegi Low Yat..sangat handsome ok?!!

okla..itu sajalah..I will post some sample from the DSLR later..