March 26, 2009


so the day came finally~!

im 22~!WAA~! i wish a year ago that i don't want to get older, guess that wish did not came true after all~ hehehe i celebrate(celebrate ke?) a very humble birthday~

thanks to all my lovely buddies~ yes..that include you aysha, fina, jaja, biha, fid, seri,niza and...all the guys la~ hahaha

not forgetting..affan, syera, aneesa, ayol, ili and many more that wishes me happy birthday~ it was wonderful..thank you~

especially to MUNIRAH ZULKIFLI~ i sayang you lebih ok?

thanks for making me ate all those donuts~ now im sick..(a good sick) and next time, jangan gopoh-gopoh beli donut~ or we will ended up like today~ full to our stomach~ hehehe (just look at the picture above, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 donuts~!)

oh yeah, the above pictures with mun was taken in UM under a tree, sitting on a grass..its like..picnic in some sort of way~

presents?just so you know, jaja bought me a wallet, and fina bought me a car accessories, which im loving it~!(waiting for the other presents)..sumpah tak malu ni~!

oh and ive bought myself a present too~!
heee~ Ferrari car from Shell..hehehe

though~ why did a lot of people wish me to get marry fast?i know ive said it before that i love getting married fast..but wait til im in a stable financial state la~ hehehe

neway..thanks again~!

p/s: ayah dengan ibu nak bagi ape ek?


affanazami said...

wah! bestnye besday ko ngan kawan2 bagi adiah segala. i bet fared mesti panas ati tgk ko byk dpt adiah. hahahaha. its a good age, mate. 22. discover more bout usev!

p/s- ade pape ke ngan munirah ituuu

Haniff said...

farid la~ bukan FARED~ dia kata FARED tu mcm bangladesh~ so jgn salah tulis..hahahaha

dia jeles?dia jijik kot~ hahahaha

discover?discover?mmm~ lenkali la~ hehehe

and me n mun?kawan biasa jer~

affanazami said...

oopps!! sory! silap tulis! FARID. haha.

n mengapa ko jawab gaya artis sgt ni. menyampah oke. jijik juge. n whats with this "~" "~" yuck oke, yuck! ko ingat kau artis??

Haniff said...

oh.."~" benda ni pun ko nyampah?sian ko~ hahahaha

eh..gaya artis tu tang mane?yg aku dgn mun ke?memang kawan biasa~ waddaya expect?

affanazami said...

ugh. either ure retarded or just plain clueless.


Haniff said...

wait..what?tak faham..nape retarded dgn clueless?sumpah aku blank abis nie~