May 1, 2010

Doomsday Vault

yes, Doomsday Vault...sounds like a pandora box huh? but don't worry, the name actually is a modern day Noah's Ark, but instead of animals, it stores plants, more accurate, seeds..

the official name for Doomsday Vault is the Svalbard Globe Seed Vault , build for one sole purpose, to store all the seeds in the world to prepare human against starvation in case of a cataclysmic event (why it was nickname the Doomsday Vault) that will affect the whole world, man made or not (e.g: nuclear war, global warming, meteor impact, zombies infestation, alien invasion WHAT? it could happen)

the construction of the vault started in 2006, the location? near the freaking North Pole, now there are reasons why it was build there, and yes, one of them is to keep people away, mainly the bad people

entrance, no guard? no problem

the other reason is the stability of the location from earthquake activity, other than that, the low temperature is needed in order for the seeds to last for hundreds of years, there are massive aircond that help kept the temperature low, if that fail, with permafrost in the rocks, the temperature can be kept under 3 degrees all year round

one might think, who in their right mind would work here? but the truth is personel only come to check the vault at least once a year, because the scientist believe that it is important that the seeds can survive with very limit intervention from human as possible

the exact location is known to only a few people, but the vault is generally located at the Norwegian Island, at the Svalbard Archipelago, hence the name..but if one would know the location, that does not mean its easy to get into the vault, it is protected by 4 massive door , that can only be open remotely

no one gonna reach the doors anyway with the killing frozen winds there

to date, the vault already stored 500 thousands seeds, and with capacity of 4.5 millions seeds, it's a long way to go, may we don't need to use the vault anytime soon.

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