July 2, 2009

my type of friends

aku ada banyak kawan..and dalam banyak kawan tu aku ada bermacam-macam jenis plak..ni bukan kawan kat U jer..tp dari sekolah, asrama, matriks..memang berjenis-jenis yang aku dah jumpa..so kali ni aku nak senaraikan jenis-jenis kawan aku, aku taknak tulis la sape dia orang, tapi kalau dia orang baca, faham-faham perangai sendiri la..hehehe
  1. the good hearted
  2. the angel disguise as a man
  3. the devil disguise as a man
  4. the tech Guru
  5. the hackers
  6. the wannabe hackers
  7. the smart brain
  8. the street smart
  9. the annoying one
  10. the Gossip Girl clone
  11. the lovable
  12. the huggable
  13. the very tall
  14. the very small
  15. the one that LOVES shopping
  16. the one that LOVES cars
  17. the one that LOVES eating
  18. the one with all the facts
  19. the little miss sunshine
  20. the hot type
  21. the hotter type
  22. the hottest type
  23. the cute type
  24. the uber cute type
  25. the critics
  26. the supportive type
  27. the one with all the right thing to say
  28. the one with the biggest ego
  29. the married one
  30. the one that can't wait to get married
  31. the divorce one
  32. the singles
  33. the im-seeing-someone type
  34. the one with the best hair
  35. the one with the sexiest lips
  36. the one with alluring eyes
  37. the one that LOVES to travel
  38. the one that LOVES to do something new
  39. the movies addicts
  40. the musics addicts
  41. the artist
  42. the wannabe artist
  43. the college dropout
  44. the tree hugger
  45. the "dude" type
  46. the typical guy type
  47. the successful type
  48. the suicidal type
  49. the emo type
  50. the always help a friend type
  51. the always says YES type
  52. the can't wait to get rich type
  53. the one that change handset every month type
  54. the one with the sport car
  55. the future planner type
  56. the go-with-the-flow type
  57. the politics analyst type
  58. the crazy type
  59. the most likely to be the best mother
  60. the best girlfriend type
  61. the best friend type
  62. the faithful type
  63. the choosy type
  64. the most chubby one
  65. the most likely to marry with 4 wives
  66. the most likely to get married first
  67. the hungry all the time type
  68. the photogenic type
  69. the one that loves to see other people fail type
  70. the one that dates more than 1 person at the same time
  71. the one that loves KOREAN drama and stuffs
  72. the forgettable type
  73. the lonely but rich type
  74. the melodramatic type
  75. the one with an angel's voice
  76. the one with distinct laugh
  77. the one with daring style
  78. the one that still confuse
  79. the lesbians
  80. the gays
  81. the one with great social lives
  82. the one where I can talk to
  83. the cat LOVERS
  84. the cat HATERS
  85. the one that drive like an F1 driver
  86. the one that drive too careful
  87. the one with dark secret
  88. the one that loves to laugh at other people
  89. the one that being laugh at
  90. the best cook
  91. the best dresser
  92. the fashion victim
  93. the sport jock
  94. the one with a great goal in life
  95. the one that cannot get stress
  96. the one that cannot handle stress
  97. the bitch
  98. the whore
  99. the slut
  100. the all-rounder
so there you go, there's more..but I think this is enough..hehehe..though bare in mind, I haven't meet most of them for a long time...I wrote during the time I was with them..but some still the same..like the slut..hehehe...



affanazami said...

ko curik katne ni list ni?
aku yg mane? chup2. aku the hot type kan? lalalallaa

Haniff said...

buat sendirik la~ ikut suka ko la kalo ko nak jd yg tu..aku tak kisah..

affanazami said...

knape ni mcm takde mud je ni! benci lah! nak emo emo kat aku lak

Haniff said...

hahaha..yg ko dramatic gile ni kenapa?

affanazami said...

aku merinduimu

Haniff said...

hahaha..patut ko melodramatic type la..hahahaha

Aneesa said...

so which one am i please. if u cud describe me in 3 words

Haniff said...

hah?nak describe u?hmm...photogenic, hot and kind-heart..hehehe

Aneesa said...

hahahahahahha.. tak expect yang tu plak.... why guys akan tgk physically? cam nally- today he asked me y i love him and i give bnyk gila reason and all tak ckp bout physically pun. then i asked him back y he loves me and he gave me 2 reasons je- beautiful and smart. sgt siut ok.

Haniff said...

eh..baik ati tu bkn fizikal..but thats up for debates..hehehe..yg lg 2 tu betul la

nally is so funny..hahaha