July 24, 2009

Speed Scandal

I have been watching a lot of Korean movie lately, I don't know why..maybe I found a new love in life..HEHE

anyway..Ive just watched another Korean movie title Speed Scandal, starring Tae hyun-Cha with Park Bo-young..the movie tells a story of a successful DJ of a local radio with a perfect life, until 1 day his unknown daughter come into his life, bearing a child of her own..making him a dad and a granddad at the same time..how's that for a twist?

the movie went out at the end of last year, so its an old movie and was top in the Korea's box office for 3 weeks..

the story is well written, lot of humor and you just laugh all the way thru out the movie, the dialog is simple yet very sweet...this clearly a 4.5/5 stars!

here are some videos Ive able to gather from YouTube stating various part of the movie, if you wish to watch it, go to YouTube, I think you can found it there..

untuk kawan-kawan aku kat geologi, kalau nak nanti aku bagi ok?

in this video, her lips is SEXXXYYY!!

some critics said he really played the piano

of the many funny moment in the movie...

here's a moment when he tries to cheat his own grandson...

here's the OST of the movie, sang my Bo-yeong Park, its also a part of the movie

and a fun song for all of you...!

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