October 30, 2009


Halloween is around the corner...woooooooo~ ok..

so, actually it's not a good thing to celebrate Halloween, in an Islamic perspective of course...Islam has said that any celebrations that celebrates any religions are not permitted to muslims..Christmas is one such example, but why can't we celebrate Halloween?

well the reason is in it's history, do you know that Halloween wasn't a celebration when it was first introduce? or is it invented? anyway..the history is vague, but it's closely related to Christian religion and worshiping of a pagan God..yeah..how do you like that now?although this is uncertain..but we pretty much doom ourselves(the Muslim) if we ever celebrate it..ok maybe NOT doom ourselves..but still...

and some of you might say, "but we only celebrate it to have fun" and to them I ask, do you believe rapist when they said they rape for fun? hahahaha..I can't stop you guys from celebrate..it's a free country, just remember what being a muslim means ok?

anyway, to clear the mood..here are the 6 most popular monster or creature myth, got it from 6Popular Monster Myth from Cracked.com, it tell the details of this monsters (well not really)
  1. Aliens
  2. Werewolves
  3. Ghost
  4. Witches
  5. Vampires
  6. Zombie
yeah..you can read the whole article in the website..it's funny, trust me

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