January 28, 2010


here's a look at Apple new device, the iPad...what is it? well Apple said its a revolutionary device that will change the world! hehehe

well for me, I think it just an iPod Touch that get SUPERSIZE!

but its certainly fun thinking about how well it work and easy to use..Apple said it will replace laptop all together..well I don't think so..there are just things that the laptop could do and the iPad could not..

but don't let me be the one to talk to you about it..see it in the video below..the all new iPad..tell me what you think


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...
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Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

What a laptop can do, Ipad cannot?? you know boleh bluetooth and such tak? they should put bluetooth, USB and all, baru boleh ganti!

Haniff said...

hahaha..that would make it better, tp the best thing about iPad is that it shouldn't be relate to a laptop..

tapi the people at Apple talk as if it would replace a laptop..

but hey, can't wait to see this here